This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Simon Brown.
Original Post: Yahoo! term extraction
Feed Title: Simon Brown's weblog
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Feed Description: My thoughts on Java, software development and technology.
In my current work around adding tag support to Pebble, I came across the Yahoo! Term Extraction service, via TagCloud. Several people have already tried to use this technology as a way to automate the tagging process and there's been lots of talk about how automated tagging has the potential to pollute the tag clouds being created by sites like Technorati. Rather than re-iterate, here are some references.
Most of this was written around April, so a few months on and I thought I'd have a go at writing a client in Java, which was just a matter of sending an HTTP request to the service and reading back the XML response. Here's the code, wrapped up in a Pebble BlogEntryListener plugin (javadoc stripped for brevity).