This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Erik C. Thauvin.
Original Post: [Jun 8, 2005 11:51 PDT] 20 Links
Feed Title: Erik's Linkblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The Link is Out There!
Trendy Look and Feel 1.4. The new version is a major upgrade with some UI updates, Bug fixes, a brand new file chooser UI, and new color chooser components.
JDataGrid Spreadsheet Edition 1.5.1 provides a data grid, a spreadsheet style table, support some features such as row header, cell attributes, cell merge and split, undo and redo and more.
JFindReplace 1.1 is a "find and replace" java swing component working with various options and standard text components like JTextArea, JTextPane, JEditorPane.
JIDE Software 1.8.0. JIDE Software announces the 1.8.0 release of all the products.
Struts-Layout tag library 1.1 is a tag library for Struts which provides skinnable tags that display panels, input fields, form modes,tables, pagers, treeviews, sortable lists, popups, calendars, etc.
cbviewer 0.6 is a viewer for comic book archives in .zip, .rar, .cbz, and .cbr formats.
Ravenous 0.1.15 is full-featured Web server written in Java.
dbsql2xml 0.18 is Java tool for transforming a relational database into hierarchical XML data. It requires JRE 5.0, JDBC, and an SQL DBMS.
CCAPI is a financial application library for Java.
SipUnit 0.0.1a provides a class library that allows software developers to create automated unit tests for SIP applications.
Jaggregate 1.0-beta-1 is a Java collections library that is modeled after the ANSI Smalltalk collection protocols.
Netty 1.9.2 is an event-driven network application framework.