Quaqua Look and Feel 3.0 beta 3 The Quaqua Look and Feel fixes minor bugs in Apple's Aqua Look and Feel and provides enhancements to make Swing applications nicely comply with Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.
Version 3.0 beta 3 has the following key features:
- Runs on Jaguar, Panther and Tiger with Java 1.3, 1.4 and (experimentally) with 1.5
- FileChooserUI and ColorChooserUI roughly look and behave like native dialogs
- ListUI and TableUI support a striped style with alternating row colors (like iTunes)
- TabbedPaneUI support either stacked tabs (Jaguar design) or popup menu tabs (Panther design). UI's implemented by Quaqua are translucent, in order to have Panther tabbed panes look right.
- ButtonUI's support lots of styles, 'push','square','bevel','colorWell' as well as a special 'toolBarTab' style, to create tool bar tabs
- ToggleButtonUI's support additional styles for the creation of 'segmented controls'
- ComboButtonUI renders nicely in JTable cells
- UI's implemented by Quaqua support Regular and Small style
- UI's implemented by Quaqua are all visually centered inside of a 3 pixel margin to make them align nicely (you can adjust the margin at the expense of cast shadows and focus rings)