This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Scott Delap.
Original Post: JavaLobby: Using JXScrollup from SwingX
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Feed Description: Client/Desktop Related Java Development
JavaLobby: Using JXScrollup from SwingX One visual control popularized by more modern operating systems, such as Windows XP, is a collapsable (shade-able) component. What this amounts to is a box with various information/controls in it that can be collapsed to conserve space; often times on a navigation sidebar...
Thanks once again to the SwingX project, we have a control available for just this sort of situation - the JXScrollup. JXScrollUps are a special type of JPanel (actually a special form of JXTitledPanel, but that's a different story) that have a title bar, a collapsing button, and a content pane - just like our Windows counter-part.