Came across this one in work yesterday. What's happening is that some of the guys are using Cruisecontrol (2.2) to run a nightly build along with a deploy/smoketest into JBoss; as part of the build JBoss is stopped, and then started via a Java target. This setup works fine when the build is called directly via Ant, but when run from Cruisecontrol, JBoss is not started and the Cruisecontrol cycle hangs. Here's the Cruisecontrol fragment that calls the ant build file: <schedule> <ant time="0300" antscript="C:/Projects/P3/build/cc-build.bat" antworkingdir="C:/Projects/P3/build" buildfile="cc-build.xml" uselogger="true"/> </schedule> The target in cc-build.xml being invoked looks like this: <target name="build" depends="stop.appserver, init, clean, get-code"> <ant antfile="build.xml" dir="${src.localpath}\build" target="nightly-build"/> <antcall target="start.appserver"/> </target> And the start.appserver target looks like this: <target name="start.appserver" description="Start the Appserver server." depends="init"> <java dir="${appserver.home.dir}/bin" classname="org.jboss.Main" fork="true" spawn="true"> <arg line="-c default"/> <jvmarg value="-Xms32m"/> <jvmarg value="-Xmx200m"/> <classpath> <pathelement path="${appserver.home.dir}/bin/run.jar"/> <pathelement path="${java.home}/lib/tools.jar"/> </classpath> </java> </target> I suspect the JBoss JVM process is forking out in a way that perhaps has the Cruisecontrol JVM hung waiting for it to return. I haven't had to time to really go digging into this but I'm thinking that an exec target might work better instead of Java. Another possibility I suppose is that the running JBoss is not being stopped fully before the new instance is started (but that doesn't happen via Ant). Anyhow, I thought I'd throw out there to see if anyone had come cross this before....