This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Fred Grott.
Original Post: Sun's dear John Letter
Feed Title: ShareMe Technologies LLC-The Mobile Future
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Feed Description: A Weblog about Java programming and digital convergence on mobile devices in such areas as P2P and collaborative technology.
What is interesting about this set of quotes from Sun's Jonathan Schwartz is the quesitons tha ti bring sup in the 'Its Services stupid' debate that Sun Microsystems started sometime ago with its competitors. Questions such as:
1. Has any group of companies such as Sun Microsystems, IBM, HP, and etc after adjusting for the true cost of stock options ever made any profits from software OS and application sales in the marketplace when compared to services?
2. If the added value is services as Sun Microsystems executives state than why appear to pretend to give false added value in a closed source offering that adds nothing of value to an open source offering? To be fair to Sun Microsystems, the divide between Unix dataCenter features and Linux own data center centric features gap is getting closer, not further apart. In fact the true nature of the SCOX court case is one of seeing data center like features in Linux that SCOX has made a claim against in sevral lawsuits.
3. If the true Sun goal to sell services on every Unix like platform would not it be more benefical to work with Free Source and Open Source to make sure that JVMs and JREs can be deployed on those platforms at the distrubtion level that follow and respect the Free Source and Open Source licenses? This way the choice of java as opposed to LAMP woudl be more in favour of Sun's own service offerings portfolio.
Seems that Sun Microsystems effrots could better focused away from FUD and supporting their ITs Services Stupid market stance.