A while back, I reviewed the book How To Write Parallel Programs (HTWPP), which is sadly out of print. As an aside I said this: "O'Reilly should run a "Classics" series like Penguin do for novels and plays, but for out of print or half-forgotten computer literature. I think they'd have a long-lived franchise." Just yesterday Bob Prior at the MIT Press made the following comment on that review: "Thanks for your great reviews of what happen to be two books published by The MIT Press. As to your suggestion for a 'classics' series, it so happens that we already have such a program and I will definitely consider adding How to Write Parallel Programs to that list. SICP, as others have pointed out, is already available on-line." Aside from the possibility of getting such a great book back in print, MIT Press classics already has all kinds of great books up there. Here's a taster: Actors, Gul Agha. Connectionist Symbol Processing, Geoffrey Hinton. Machine Learning, Jamie Carbonell. A Few Good Men from UNIVAC, David E. Lundstrom. I had no idea the series existed. And it's not just CS books - economics, philosophy, architecture to name a few subject categories. (Thanks to all the folks who pointed out that HTWPP is available online. Go read it!)...