This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Michael Cote.
Original Post: Links for 2005-04-07 []
Feed Title: Cote's Weblog: Coding, Austin, etc.
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Using Java to get to the ideal state.
When a word is worth $1,000 (each)
"[M]ost of the time, most of your customers will cut you slack if you just acknowledge that the outcome isn't the one they (think they) deserve."
Software as a Service - Part 1
Nolan has some good notes: hosting/asp vs. utility computing vs. licensing model vs. all those things [un]mix together into "software as service"
Growing, Selling and Re-selling SOA Services
Another sharp-point from Nolan: "The point of SOA should be to enable enterprise IT to do this themselves and do it productively, not to hire consultants to come in and do it for you." BAAM!