This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Fred Grott.
Original Post: A Horse with No Name
Feed Title: ShareMe Technologies LLC-The Mobile Future
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Feed Description: A Weblog about Java programming and digital convergence on mobile devices in such areas as P2P and collaborative technology.
As I go through progressing towards the final drafts of the background articles before I write the Build Design Philosophy article; I find that attempting to explain the complexity of the J2ME Platfrom to an outsider provides enlightenment. Given that the J2ME Platform has the largest amount of new developers that are both new to the J2ME Platform and java maybe we chould pund on this problem?
For example, did you know that it might be possible that 70$ of the APIs in the J2ME Platform are not designated in the packagae name by the API name? Such important API sets as CLDC, CDC, MIDP, GCF, and etc. Thus, we not only have a harder time pasing this knowledge on to new developers(witness the continued harship of new developers in attempting to figure out what device capabilites might be accessible); we also have the parallel problem of the missuse of these APIs becuase of the lack of clear package names, clear javadoc subtitles to denote the failure of package naming of this API, and etc.
Thus, how does one catch the errors generated by this infrastructure that may be conspiring aginast us game developers or business application developers? Now, you know another reason why I am on the change our development process crusade in J2ME development.