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The Adventures of a Pythonista in Schemeland/24

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Michele Simionato

Posts: 222
Nickname: micheles
Registered: Jun, 2008

The Adventures of a Pythonista in Schemeland/24 (View in Weblogs)
Posted: May 20, 2009 9:22 PM
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In the last episode we saw that PLT Scheme performs much more instantiation and visiting of modules than other implementations. The reason for such behaviour is that PLT Scheme aims to avoid cross-phase side effects. In this episode I explain what cross-phase side effects are and why they are evil.

Mutating variables across modules

There are situations where it is handy to mutate a global variable or a data structure across modules, for instance to keep a counter or a registry of objects. However, direct mutation of exported variables is forbidden by the R6RS standard. Consider for instance a module exporting a variable x and a function incr-x with side effects affecting that variable:

(library (experimental mod1)
  (export x incr-x)
  (import (rnrs))

  (define x 0)
  (define (incr-x)
    (set! x (+ 1 x))

This kind of side effect is ruled out by the R6RS specification (section 7.2): exported variables must be immutable. This is the reason why Ikarus, Ypsilon and Larceny reject the code with errors like attempt to export mutated variable or attempt to modify immutable variable. The current SVN version PLT Scheme also raises an error, but the official version (4.1.5 at the time of this writing) is buggy (I submitted the bug report).

Mutating internal variables

Consider now a module exporting a function with side effects affecting a non-exported variable:

(library (experimental mod2)
  (export get-x incr-x)
  (import (rnrs))

  (define x 0)

  (define (get-x)

  (define (incr-x)
    (set! x (+ 1 x))

  (display "Instantiated mod2\n")

This is a valid library which compiles correctly. The accessor function get-x gives access to the internal variable x. We may import it at the REPL and we may experiment with it:

$ ikarus
> (import (experimental mod2)); this does not instantiate mod2 immediately
> (get-x); now mod2 must be instantiated
Instantiated mod2
> (incr-x)
> (incr-x)
> (get-x)

Everything works as one would expect. However, things are trickier when phase separation enters in the game.

Mutating variables across phases

A Scheme implementation exhibits a cross-phase side effect if mutating a variable at expand time affects the value of the same variable at run-time. All R6RS implementations - except PLT Scheme which uses different instances for different phases - may have cross-phase side effects. On the other hand, in all R6RS implementations cross-phase side effects can be avoided by using separated compilation.

In order to give a concrete example, consider the following script:

$ cat
(import (rnrs) (sweet-macros) (for (experimental mod2) expand run))

(def-syntax m
  (lambda (x)
    (display "At expand-time x=")
    (display (incr-x))


  (display "At run-time x=")
  (display (incr-x))

Here we formally import the module mod2 twice, both at run-time and at expand time. In PLT Scheme (which is the only implementation with explicit phasing and multiple instantiation) there are two fully separated instances of the module, and running the script returns the following:

$ plt-r6rs
Instantiated mod2
At expand-time x=1
Instantiated mod2
At run-time x=1

The fact that x was incremented at compile-time has no effect at run-time, since the run-time variable x belongs to a completely different instance of the module. In systems with single instantiation instead, there is only a single instance of the module for all phases, so that incrementing x at expand-time has effect at run-time:

$ ikarus --r6rs-script
Instantiated mod2
At expand-time x=1
At run-time x=2

You would get the same with Ypsilon and Larceny (Larceny has explicit phasing but single instantiation and if you import a module in more than one phase the variables are shared amongst the phases, so that cross-phase side effects may happen).

The phase crossing effect only happens because the script is executed immediately after compilation in the same process. Having compile-time effects affecting run-time values is evil, since it breaks separate compilation. If we turn the script into a library and we compile it separately, it is clear than the run-time value of x cannot be affected by the compile-time value of x (maybe the code was compiled 10 years ago!).

Cross-phase side effects and separate compilation

Let me explain in detail how separate compilation works in Ikarus, Ypsilon and PLT Scheme. Suppose we turn the previous script into a library:

$ cat
(library (experimental mod3)
(export run)
(import (rnrs) (sweet-macros) (for (experimental mod2) expand run))

(def-syntax m
  (lambda (x)
    (display "At expand-time x=")
    (display (incr-x))

(define (run) ;; this is executed at runtime
  (display "At run-time x=")
  (display (incr-x))

(m) ;; this is executed at expand time

and let us invoke this library though a script

(import (rnrs) (experimental mod3))

If we use PLT Scheme, the value of x is the same as before:

$ plt-r6rs
Instantiated mod2
At expand-time x=1
Instantiated mod2
Instantiated mod2
At run-time x=1

This is expected: turning a script into a library did not make anything magic happens (actually mod2 is being instantiated once more during the compilation of mod3, but that should not be surprising). On the other hand, things are very different if we run the same code under different implementations.

For instance in Ypsilon the first time the script is run it prints three lines:

$ ypsilon --r6rs
Instantiated mod2
At expand-time x=1
At expand-time x=2
At run-time x=3

However, if we run the script again it prints just two lines:

$ ypsilon --r6rs
Instantiated mod2
At run-time x=1

The reason is that the first time Ypsilon compiles the libraries, using the same module instance, so that there is a single x variable which is incremented twice at expand time and once at run-time. The second time there is nothing to recompile, so only the run-time x variable is incremented, and there is no reference to the compile time instance.

The situation for Ikarus is slightly different. If we use the --r6rs-script flag we get the same output as before, when mod3 was just a script:

$ ikarus --r6rs-script
Instantiated mod2
At expand-time x=1
At run-time x=2

However, this only happens because Ikarus is compiling all the libraries at the same time (whole compilation). If we use separate compilation we get:

$ ikarus --compile-dependencies
Instantiated mod2
At expand-time x=1
Serializing "/home/micheles/gcode/scheme/experimental/mod3.sls.ikarus-fasl" ...
Serializing "/home/micheles/gcode/scheme/experimental/mod2.sls.ikarus-fasl" ...

As you see, the message At expand-time x=1 is printed when mod2 is compiled. If we run the script now, we get just the run-time message:

$ ikarus --r6rs-script
Instantiated mod2
At run-time x=1

In Ikarus, Ypsilon and Larceny, the same invocation of this script returns different results for the variable x, depending if the libraries have been precompiled or not. This is ugly and error prone. The multiple instantiation mechanism of PLT Scheme has been designed to avoid this problem: in PLT one consistently gets always the same result, which is the result one would get with separation compilation.

I must notice that you could get the same behavior in non-PLT implementations by spawning two separate processes, one after the other: the first to compile the script and its libraries, and the second to execute it. That would make sure that incrementing x in the compilation phase would not influence the value of x at run-time.


This is the last episode of part IV. You should have an idea of how the R6RS module system works, and you should be able to grasp the reasons behind the different implementation choices.

In particular, it should be clear that side effects are tricky, that you cannot rely on the compilation/visiting/instantiation procedure being the same in different implementations, that phase separation means different things in different Scheme systems.

Still, I have left out many relevant things. In order to say everything there is to say about the subject, I should have at least doubled the number of episodes.

I did not want to get lost in excessive detail. Instead, I have decided to continue my series with another block of episodes about macros, and to fill the remaining gaps about the module systems in future Adventures.

So, as always, stay tuned and keep reading!

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