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A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes

23 replies on 2 pages. Most recent reply: Jan 30, 2006 8:14 AM by James Watson

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Christopher Diggins

Posts: 1215
Nickname: cdiggins
Registered: Feb, 2004

A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes (View in Weblogs)
Posted: Jan 26, 2006 6:47 PM
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In a recent discussion Kresimir Cosic said the following thing to me: "I think that subtyping a-posteriori is great.". When thinking about case classes ala Scala (which I believe was inspired by Haskell), I couldn't help but wonder, why not have case classes a-posteriori?
The following is lifted from
Scala supports the notion of case classes. Case classes are regular classes which export their constructor parameters and which provide a recursive decomposition mechanism via pattern matching. Here is an example for a class hierarchy which consists of an abstract super class Term and three concrete case classes Var, Fun, and App.
abstract class Term;
case class Var(name: String) extends Term;
case class Fun(arg: String, body: Term) extends Term;
case class App(f: Term, v: Term) extends Term;
Okay, that is fine, but why not have something like the following :
class Var { ... }
class Fun { ... }
class App { ... }

casetype Term {  
AFAICT this method seems far more flexible and useful. I currently could use a case type, so I can't really see a good reason for not implementing it this way in Heron. Adding this to the languages is surprisingly simple.

Keith Gaughan

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Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 27, 2006 2:02 AM
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Is it just me, or does that look strangely like an enumeration?

Christopher Diggins

Posts: 1215
Nickname: cdiggins
Registered: Feb, 2004

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 27, 2006 7:47 AM
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> Is it just me, or does that look strangely like an
> enumeration?

It's only a resemblance on the surface. In an enumeration, you define a set of named values which belong to a new type. In the proposed case type, you define a new type, which can accept any value of any of the new supertypes.

James Watson

Posts: 2024
Nickname: watson
Registered: Sep, 2005

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 27, 2006 8:13 AM
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Could you give an example how this might be used to solve a problem? Thanks.

Christopher Diggins

Posts: 1215
Nickname: cdiggins
Registered: Feb, 2004

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 27, 2006 8:58 AM
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> Could you give an example how this might be used to solve
> a problem? Thanks.

Sure, no problem.

In my interpreter I have statement objects. Every statement in Heron is made up of a series of terms and blocks. A term is a sequence of chars (e.g. a symbol, a literal or an identifier), while a block is a sequence of statements delimited by { }. So I want a term object which is either a string or a block object. So how do I represent that? In my opinion the simplest approach is to create a new type which is a subtype of both string and block. I don't want to explicitly modify a string class, so instead I use a-posteriori subtyping to create a new type. One way of thinking about it is as a kind of union type

So my code looks like the following (the syntax for the case type has already changed as one might expect for such a new idea).

subtype term

enum token_type

class statement
def new_statement() : statement* {
return parent.new_statement();
def new_block() : statement* {
block* p = new block;
return p.new_statement();
def close_block() : statement* {
assert(parent != NULL);
return parent.current_statement();
def append_char(char c) {
if (is_wspace(c)) {
else {
switch (tt) {
// TODO ...
token += c;
def is_wspace(char c) : bool {
return (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n');
def is_ident_char(char c) : bool {
return (c within range('a','z')) || (c within range('A','Z')) || (c == '_');
def terminate_current_token() {
if (token.count() > 0) {
terms.push(new token(tkn));
tt = tt_empty;
token_type tt;
token tkn;
block* parent;
stack[term*] terms;

Note: this is code under development, and is exploiting features which haven't been implemented yet. I am using a feature driven design methodology to evaluate unimplemented features (e.g. "within" and "enum").

James Watson

Posts: 2024
Nickname: watson
Registered: Sep, 2005

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 27, 2006 10:02 AM
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Sorry but I'm confused. I don't see any casetype declarations in the code. Am I missing something?

Christopher Diggins

Posts: 1215
Nickname: cdiggins
Registered: Feb, 2004

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 27, 2006 10:05 AM
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> Sorry but I'm confused. I don't see any casetype
> declarations in the code. Am I missing something?

Sorry, I am experimenting with new syntax for the casetype. In the example I am using:

subtype term {
supertype {

to mean:

casetype term {

James Watson

Posts: 2024
Nickname: watson
Registered: Sep, 2005

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 27, 2006 12:00 PM
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OK, I think I've got it.

Then support some syntax similar to this:

def handleTerm(term t) : void {
switch (t) {
case (string) ...
case (block) ...

And would you allow the creation of methods in a subtype?

James Watson

Posts: 2024
Nickname: watson
Registered: Sep, 2005

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 27, 2006 12:01 PM
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The thing that I really like about this idea is that it improves the usefulness of generic/parametric syntax. Maybe that's your point.

Christopher Diggins

Posts: 1215
Nickname: cdiggins
Registered: Feb, 2004

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 27, 2006 12:18 PM
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> OK, I think I've got it.
> Then support some syntax similar to this:

> def handleTerm(term t) : void {
> switch (t) {
> case (string) ...
> case (block) ...
> }
> }

Yes, something along those lines.

> And would you allow the creation of methods in a
> subtype?

That is a good question. I see no reason why not. One might be able to write a method such as:

def handleSelf() {
switch (type_of(this)) {
case (string) { handleString(cast<string>(this)); }
case (block) { handleBlock(cast<block>(this)); }

James Watson

Posts: 2024
Nickname: watson
Registered: Sep, 2005

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 27, 2006 1:01 PM
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> > And would you allow the creation of methods in a
> > subtype?
> That is a good question. I see no reason why not. One
> might be able to write a method such as:

> def handleSelf() {
> switch (type_of(this)) {
> case (string) { handleString(cast<string>(this)); }
> case (block) { handleBlock(cast<block>(this)); }
> }
> }

That would be very cool because then you could limit the cases to the subtype itself. I kind of think you should actually make it the only place you could do this and allow this syntax:

def doThing() {
switch (type) { // this type
case (string) { // implicit cast to string
} case (block) { // implicit cast to block

This basically acts like an adaptor.

James Watson

Posts: 2024
Nickname: watson
Registered: Sep, 2005

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 27, 2006 1:31 PM
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One moe thing, would the case (type) syntax be statically bound?

Kresimir Cosic

Posts: 6
Nickname: kreso
Registered: Jan, 2006

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 28, 2006 7:16 AM
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> In my interpreter I have statement objects. Every statement
> in Heron is made up of a series of terms and blocks. A term
> is a sequence of chars (e.g. a symbol, a literal or an
> identifier), while a block is a sequence of statements
> delimited by { }. So I want a term object which is either a
> string or a block object. So how do I represent that?

I don't have much experience with interpreters, but this looks to me like a factory pattern. Make term a supertype of block and string, and then use dynamic cast to access specific functions of string and block. I might easily be wrong.

Kresimir Cosic

Posts: 6
Nickname: kreso
Registered: Jan, 2006

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 28, 2006 5:52 PM
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Oh, I completely misunderstood the article... never mind previous post.

About case types: if Heron is to have support for casetype, then subtyping a-posteriori with syntax you suggested looks ok.

Christopher Diggins

Posts: 1215
Nickname: cdiggins
Registered: Feb, 2004

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 29, 2006 8:31 AM
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> One moe thing, would the case (type) syntax be statically
> bound?

I don't understand precisely what you mean. If you are asking as to whether the type relationships are determined at compile-time the answer is no.

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