Re: UML vs OO Design
Posted: Jul 25, 2005 1:52 AM
Let me add my two cents.
Knowledge and experience predates development of a technology, programming language and/or notation, and finally tools. The same order applies to the proper usage of the latter in the sequence.
One has to master the basics, develop one's own intimate understanding and mental mapping in any given field in order to become a master in the field. Frequently regarded to lay somewhere in between practice, science and art, there's no fixed path for mastery in software engineering/crafting. Regardless, one needs to peel layers of abstraction in order to achieve software development mastery. Onion-peeling metaphor springs to mind.
Aforementioned make software development attractive to more and more people, including charlatans (having more keywords in theirs sleeves than days of expertise) who jump layers of abstraction without looking back. And keywords are indeed magnets for charlatans which doesn't mean there's no potential and applicability of keyword (here: technology). This includes UML.
The whole point of UML, as a concise way to express thoughts related to software development lifecycle, is to better understand motivation to use it and how to do it.
How one can further reduce the path between a UML blueprint and a working&reliable system persists as a challenge. This notion requires broader attention. Attention will come automagically through more creative and effective usage of tools and plug-ins.
Wait, there's a prerequisite - we need more (UML-)conscious managers, too.