Max Lybbert
Posts: 314
Nickname: mlybbert
Registered: Apr, 2005
Re: Implicit versus Explicit Dynamic Typing
Posted: Sep 27, 2005 1:23 PM
I appologize if I misunderstood how you set up the NSWindow.
However, if I'm understanding (and you're not being sarcastic, I am on the other side of a pure text medium and I can't take advantage of visual or voice cues, after all), you're new window thinks it's also stdout. And, if I'm understanding that's "window" as in "square thing, comes with a menu bar" and not "widget" as window once meant.
In that case, I would ask "what if you want to pipe stderr to that window as well?" Or "what if you run two instances of the program and you hope to pipe both stdouts to the window but in different text boxes?"
OK, it's your window, and you may absolutely NEVER want to do that. Fine. However I will be the first to tell you that you may be getting that rigidity from the type system when you don't want to. This is what I meant by "typing does not solve every problem." When typing does solve a problem use it, but don't use it if it's an unnatural fit.
Don't reach for multiple inheritence when containment does the job.