Carlos Neves
Posts: 1
Nickname: lusosis
Registered: Dec, 2006
Re: The departure of the hyper-enthusiasts
Posted: Dec 20, 2006 11:11 AM
Sorry, I have no experience in Ruby, Perl or Pyton, Java not more only C family (C++ and C#, C# 3.0 seems to evolve in good directions, but for my humble view Java syntax is “identical” to C++, I am not talking about any library of functions sets available in the different platforms, like the .Net Framework.
For mandatory indentation I worked, and I liked, OCCAM ( and, born with the Transputer a very good parallel processor but fortuneless, good engineering is not enough to success in the market, but it as “reborn“ in the form of the CELL The indentation in OCCAM ( facilitates the understand of the program flow, and OCCAM is for real parallel or concurrent programming, so to see what parts of the program run in parallel OCCAM uses indentation in a very effective way. Before using OCCAM I also indent C and C++ programs for easy of understanding and today I do the same with SQL and C#, so I agree with indentation but also I understand that some Developers prefer “free text” than the mandatory indentation.
About Java and C#, some inside information at .
In the end C# is a Ecma and ISO standard (including the executable format - CLI), and Java is Sun proprietary, strange no ?