Re: Why Learn New Languages? Being Outlived by C++
Posted: Sep 17, 2009 6:23 PM
> I am not the man of “always learning new languages” and > personally I would stick to C++ as far as I can due to the > following reasons: > - I think, for me, it is more beneficial to knew > techniques and know-hows instead of a new language.
Real experience, both good and bad, with a language (and its libraries) is extremely important. There will be C and C++ code being developed and maintained for decades to come.
> - The language is still quite supported, and far from dead > (think of the C++0x).
On this, I disagree: C++0x is not a sign of the language's vitality, but rather the end thereof. (To me, this is eerily similar to a red giant star, whose large size could mistakenly be assumed to be related to its mass, but rather it is simply a side-effect of having exhausted the star's fuel supply.)
The topic of software entropy fascinates me; I wrote about it recently: Time is cruel to software in other ways. The cost of new features is only superficially found in their implementation; the real cost is in the entropy that each new capability adds to a perpetually bloating code base. The temptation to hastily add features must be tempered with the relentless pursuit of perfection and the constant fight against entropy. As a product grows and matures, the battle against entropy is truly the silent struggle of the software to survive. Whether entropy represents the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning, it is clearly the ever-accelerating path to software rigormortis, the slippery slope of software suicide.
Cameron Purdy | Oracle Coherence http://coherence.oracle.com/