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Python 3000 FAQ

18 replies on 2 pages. Most recent reply: May 17, 2008 12:53 PM by mishari A.A

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Guido van van Rossum

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Nickname: guido
Registered: Apr, 2003

Re: Python 3000 FAQ Posted: Aug 6, 2007 2:26 PM
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> Okay, but it seems similar logic can be applied to map and
> filter, which are higher-order functions.

I have nothing against higher-order functions.

As I thought I explained before, most uses of map() and filter() are easy to understand for non-FP brains, and I don't see anywhere near the same level of abuse as I see for reduce().

> Again, it seems
> like such a small thing, to leave reduce in; I can't see
> how it affects the rest of the language much - but you
> have a much better perspective on that, so I acquiesce.

It's an "attractive nuisance". Having too many builtins makes the language harder to use, so we've been actively looking for builtins to drop.

> FWIW, functools.partial() is cool, but not a very readable
> way to mimic reduce's functionality, IMO.

I meant functools.reduce(), which was added to Py3k and will be added to Python 2.6.

Chuck Allison

Posts: 63
Nickname: cda
Registered: Feb, 2003

Re: Python 3000 FAQ Posted: Aug 6, 2007 2:32 PM
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Okay then. I wasn't aware of functools.reduce(). Groovy. Thanks. I don't keep up on PEPs usually, so if it's not released, I probably haven't heard of it.

ricard marxer

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Registered: Aug, 2007

Re: Python 3000 FAQ Posted: Aug 9, 2007 2:16 AM
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About Multiprocessors, map() and reduce()...

I have a naive doubt about a this type of stuff.

I'm not an expert programmer and I always thought that map(fun,my_list) was the type of function that would internally apply fun to the elements of my_list without guaranteeing the order of application. I even thought that internally the interpreter it could apply the function in parallel and only lock any variables that are shared.

I then thought that this might not be possible because I have already seen some people using:

map(fun, my_list)

expecting the same results as in:

for i in my_list:

Which is applies fun to each element of my_list in the order of the elements in the list.

So I thought that it would be really nice if this parallelism under the hood only happens when doing:

for i in set(my_list):



Since it's explicit and understood that set doesn't respect the order of the list. However set() also removes duplicates.

So the questions are:
1- Is there any data structure that doesn't guarantee order preservation but allows duplicates?
2- Is it possible with simple syntax to make multi threaded parts of code in an almost transparent way?
3- Are these planned for Python 3000 or maybe 5000?

Maybe I'm completely off topic here, but who knows.

mishari A.A

Posts: 1
Nickname: mishari
Registered: May, 2008

Re: Python 3000 FAQ Posted: May 17, 2008 12:53 PM
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i have question which maybe out of the subject, am new to programming and i have read alot about python,

now the question is if i want to be a good programmer, will learning python alone will be sufficient, or do i have to bother with C, C++, assembly etc.

thanks in advance

PS: am planning to learn programming to do some database programming plus 3d software plugins.

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