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A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes

23 replies on 2 pages. Most recent reply: Jan 30, 2006 8:14 AM by James Watson

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Martin Odersky

Posts: 84
Nickname: modersky
Registered: Sep, 2003

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 29, 2006 11:37 AM
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> The following is lifted from <a
&gt; href="">http://s
> <blockquote>
> Scala supports the notion of case classes. Case classes
> are regular classes which export their constructor
> parameters and which provide a recursive decomposition
> mechanism via pattern matching.
> Here is an example for a class hierarchy which consists of
> an abstract super class Term and three concrete case
> classes Var, Fun, and App.
> <pre>
> abstract class Term;
> case class Var(name: String) extends Term;
> case class Fun(arg: String, body: Term) extends Term;
> case class App(f: Term, v: Term) extends Term;
> </pre>
> </blockquote>
> Okay, that is fine, but why not have something like the
> following :
> <pre>
> class Var { ... }
> class Fun { ... }
> class App { ... }
> casetype Term {
> Var;
> Fun;
> App;
> }
> </pre>
How are you proposing to handle constructor parameters?
The `case' in a case class essentially tells two things to a Scala compiler:

(1) Define a tag method for instances of the class, so that case selection can be done more quickly.

(2) Keep the constructor parameters around, so that they can be recovered by a pattern match.

Aspect (1) is just an optimization; it can probably be handled by other means. But (2) is different, since it changes the interface of a program. For instance, you might not want to publish the way objects of some class are constructed. In Scala, that's no problem; just don't add a `case' modifier to your class.

In summary, I think case classes are the right abstraction
if you want to retrieve constructor parameters in a pattern match. If you do not care about that, then a simple typecase would do just as well.


-- Martin

Christopher Diggins

Posts: 1215
Nickname: cdiggins
Registered: Feb, 2004

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 29, 2006 12:41 PM
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> How are you proposing to handle constructor parameters?

My proposed case type can not be constructed. Just like a pure abstract base class. You use it as a reference to one of the supertypes in its list.


class Fu {
public {
def _init(int n) { }

class Bar {
public {
def _init(string s) { }

casetype FuBar {

FuBar* fb1 = new Fu(42);
FuBar* fb2 = new Bar("fourty-two");

> The `case' in a case class essentially tells two things to
> a Scala compiler:
> (1) Define a tag method for instances of the class, so
> that case selection can be done more quickly.
> (2) Keep the constructor parameters around, so that they
> can be recovered by a pattern match.
> Aspect (1) is just an optimization; it can probably be
> handled by other means. But (2) is different, since it
> changes the interface of a program. For instance, you
> might not want to publish the way objects of some class
> are constructed. In Scala, that's no problem; just don't
> add a `case' modifier to your class.

Yes, I am sorry I wasn't clear about that. The Scala abstraction is actually quite sophisticated. The pattern matching of constructor parameters is very sophisticated.

> In summary, I think case classes are the right
> abstraction
> if you want to retrieve constructor parameters in a
> pattern match. If you do not care about that, then a
> simple typecase would do just as well.

Pardon my ignorance but what is a typecase?

On a slightly different topic how do you define a new subtype in Scala without modifying the supertype's declaration?


Martin, I hope you will consider putting up a blog at Artima, I would love to read it, and I know many other people would be interested as well.

Kannan Goundan

Posts: 18
Nickname: cakoose
Registered: Nov, 2005

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 29, 2006 11:59 PM
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Since the "Term" type identifier doesn't have any properties, it's not really subtyping. It's just syntactic sugar over the standard tagged union. The Haskell syntax is something like:

type Var = ...
type Fun = ...
type App = ...

data Term = VarT Var | FunT Fun | AppT App

The sytactic sugar: the tag names are automatically derived from the type names and the values automatically get tagged when passed as "Term" parameters.

Martin Odersky

Posts: 84
Nickname: modersky
Registered: Sep, 2003

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 30, 2006 1:14 AM
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> Pardon my ignorance but what is a typecase?
It's just a switch statement but with types as tags. Something like the following Scala code:

foo match {
  case v: Var => ...
  case f: Fun => ...

Here, Var and Fun need not be case classes. An alternative will be taken if foo has the type given in the label. In the literature, one often uses `typecase' instead of `switch' or `match' for this.

> On a slightly different topic how do you define a new
> subtype in Scala without modifying the supertype's
> declaration?
You mean "define a supertype without modifying the subtype's declaration"? It cannot be done directly, but you can define an implicit conversion:

  implicit def a2b(x: a): b = ...

The conversion will be applied in the scope where it is visible whenever you have a value of type `a' but require an value of type `b'.

> PS
> Martin, I hope you will consider putting up a blog at
> Artima, I would love to read it, and I know many other
> people would be interested as well.

Thanks for the encouragement! I'll consider it; its just a matter of finding the time to do it.

-- Martin

Christopher Diggins

Posts: 1215
Nickname: cdiggins
Registered: Feb, 2004

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 30, 2006 5:45 AM
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> Here, Var and Fun need not be case classes. An alternative
> will be taken if foo has the type given in the label. In
> the literature, one often uses `typecase' instead of
> `switch' or `match' for this.

Okay, I see like Modula 3.

> > On a slightly different topic how do you define a new
> > subtype in Scala without modifying the supertype's
> > declaration?
> >
> You mean "define a supertype without modifying the
> subtype's declaration"?

Yes, sorry about that mistake.

> It cannot be done directly, but
> you can define an implicit conversion:
>   implicit def a2b(x: a): b = ...

> The conversion will be applied in the scope where it is
> visible whenever you have a value of type `a' but require
> an value of type `b'.

Implicit conversions aren't quite a mechanism for subtyping though, because you don't get the additional methods do you?

a.methodBelongingToB(); // compile error.
implicit def a2b(x: a): b = ...
a.methodBelongingToB(); // compile error?

Do any languages you know support the kind of a-posteriori subtyping I am describing? Is it interesting enough to publish about? Are there other names for it? Sorry for the barrage of questions, but thanks for your help.

Christopher Diggins

Posts: 1215
Nickname: cdiggins
Registered: Feb, 2004

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 30, 2006 5:50 AM
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> Since the "Term" type identifier doesn't have any
> properties, it's not really subtyping. It's just
> syntactic sugar over the standard tagged union.

But if I allow methods, then it would be subtyping, wouldn't it?

> The
> Haskell syntax is something like:
> type Var = ...
> type Fun = ...
> type App = ...
> data Term = VarT Var | FunT Fun | AppT App

> The sytactic sugar: the tag names are automatically
> derived from the type names and the values automatically
> get tagged when passed as "Term" parameters.

Thanks for pointing out the Haskell syntax.

Martin Odersky

Posts: 84
Nickname: modersky
Registered: Sep, 2003

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 30, 2006 6:34 AM
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> a.methodBelongingToB(); // compile error.
> implicit def a2b(x: a): b = ...
> a.methodBelongingToB(); // compile error?
This works in fact. An implicit conversion is also applied when a selector name is not defined in some expression. This can handle your example. On the other hand, we cannot deal with overriding that way; that's where implicit conversions hit a limit.

> Do any languages you know support the kind of a-posteriori
> subtyping I am describing? Is it interesting enough to
> publish about? Are there other names for it? Sorry for the
> barrage of questions, but thanks for your help.

AFAIK you could do this in Sather.


-- Martin

James Watson

Posts: 2024
Nickname: watson
Registered: Sep, 2005

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 30, 2006 6:45 AM
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> > One moe thing, would the case (type) syntax be
> statically
> > bound?
> I don't understand precisely what you mean. If you are
> asking as to whether the type relationships are determined
> at compile-time the answer is no.

Then, in a way, this kind of acts like a form of double-dispatch.

I like the idea, but I don't care for implicitly casting inside the case blocks. It's unecessary.

James Watson

Posts: 2024
Nickname: watson
Registered: Sep, 2005

Re: A-Posteriori Subtyping and Case Classes Posted: Jan 30, 2006 8:14 AM
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> I like the idea, but I don't care for implicitly casting
> inside the case blocks. It's unecessary.

I mean 'explicitly casting'.

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