Don Dwoske
Posts: 1
Nickname: albin
Registered: Mar, 2005
Re: standalone OpenLaszlo compiler
Posted: Oct 13, 2005 10:50 AM
I had classpath issues as well. I use a homegrown script now:
set CLASSPATH=c:\opt\interweb\OpenLaszlo Server 3.0.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lps\server\build;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Serv er\lps-3.0.2\3RD-PA~1\jars\dev\SERVLE~1.JAR;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lp s-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\ACTIVA~1.JAR;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB -INF\lib\axis.jar;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\BATIK- ~1.JAR;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\COMMON~1.JAR;c:\o pt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\COMMON~2.JAR;c:\opt\interweb \OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\COMMON~3.JAR;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2 \Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\COMMON~4.JAR;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps -3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\CO6683~1.JAR;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB- INF\lib\COECE9~1.JAR;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\ftp .jar;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\ISO-RE~1.JAR;c:\opt \interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\JAKART~1.JAR;c:\opt\interweb\O PENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\jaxrpc.jar;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Ser ver\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\jdom.jar;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\W EB-INF\lib\jing.jar;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\jyth on.jar;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\LOG4J-~1.JAR;c:\o pt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\LPS-30~1.JAR;c:\opt\interweb \OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\saaj.jar;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Ser ver\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\SAXON-~1.JAR;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0 .2\WEB-INF\lib\swflib.jar;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\li b\wsdl4j.jar;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\XMLRPC~1.JA R;c:\opt\interweb\OPENLA~1.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\lib\XPP3-1~1.JAR;\lib\juni t.jar;c:\opt\interweb\OpenLaszlo Server 3.0.2\Server\lps-3.0.2\WEB-INF\classes
JAVA -DLPS_HOME="c:\opt\interweb\OpenLaszlo Server 3.0.2\Server\lps-3.0.2" org.openlaszlo.compiler.Main %
-- obviously, that's a hack and a bad way to even write the script, but I thought I'd offer it anyway... the standalone SOLO compiler needs some ease-of-use tweaks, as I mention below.
Some of this is duplicated, but I'll say it again.
- the solo compiler does create standalone .swf files that you can click on and run.. or embed in other .html pages - the edit / compile / test cycle is NOT nearly 5 minutes. it takes me about 10 seconds to compile a sizeable laszlo application on a 1.7Ghz laptop - see for Geert Bevin's recent presentation - save for minor RESTful problems, it's pretty good overview - i've proposed that they improve the SOLO compilation / deployment in the next release so that there is a separate distribution for people who only want to create standalone .swf files - built using Ant or Maven, using a single .jar file with known public dependancies - i'm using laszlo at a major biotech company for an internal LIMS system - RESTful interfaces on the server-side - and the users love it... meaning, this is not just for multi-media apps and eye candy- it's a RIA client - much easier to code than typical AJAX apps - Laszlo apps can be integrated easily - and I mean easily - into an existing Struts, JSF, Maverick, Rife.. whatever... framework. My app is part of a larger Struts app on top of an Oracle Database. - Some of my server-side RESTful api's use XML serialization (XStream or JOX) on top of Hibernate, and some GET's use Oracle's implementation of XSQL directly - performance and responsivness is FAST.
Of note in this space is that Flex 2.0 is on the horizon and the price is dropping to $1000 per developer... are it's extra features vs. laszlo worth the $$ .. i'd say for most people, probably not, but for some business users, it makes sense.