Hi, Im new on java and i should do a project to create an application to design Workflow on thin client (IE6) or a software and use Java Web Start. The design is base on the state-chart diagram. All the information concerning items (position, size) will be store under lotus Notes Documents. Each item (state, chart relations) will have different values selected from list. Each list will be fill in with informations descended from data contains under Lotus Notes documents. State and chart max number: 99 We will use Lotus Domino R6 as HTTP server. In fact the applet I should create will only be use to draw, all the information are from and store under Lotus Notes
The software should contain a zoom option, an export option(GIF,.. ) and a print option (PDF, printer)
I found jgraph, argouml. I would like to know if some of you used it or did a similar project (or know others libraries to pay or not). And if someone can explain me a little more about the architecture I should do to realize that kind of project.