I'm using the Java API implementation for LinkedList, what i have notice is that my list doesn't seem to be connected with each other.
What I meant about this is that, for instance when I'm reading my infile into the linked list and i tried to display the item within the same file (ie myReadFile file/class), it displays the item properly. But when I tried to access those items from the other files (ie displayItem in my output file/class) it doesn't work.
This happens throughout my program. Im really curious why it's doing this. I thought when using those Java API implementation all i have to do is call the function that i needed (ie Since im using LinkedList: I thought I could just call add(object element), etc and everthing will be alright) mmmm.
Can anyone please clarify this to me, I really need some clarification. Can anyone please tell me the proper way of using these Java API implementations specifically in LinkedList.
It should be pretty straight-forward, but it is hard to tell what your problem is unless you post your code.
Did you look at the thread at http://www.artima.com/forums/flat.jsp?forum=1&thread=791 -- it sounds a very similar to what you are doing, except you don't need to convert the list to an array. Instead you can simply get an Iterator from the list with iterator(), then cruise through all the items.