Matt Gerrans
Posts: 1153
Nickname: matt
Registered: Feb, 2002
Re: JNI problem
Posted: Mar 17, 2002 11:51 PM
I think this is just a matter of making sure that your JNI platform-dependent implementation file, hello.dll is either in the current directory or in the PATH. To see your path, type "path" on the command line. If the directory containing your hello.dll is not in that semi-colon separated list, then you need to add it to the path, or copy the dll to one of the directories that is already in the path. You can add a directory to your path like this:
set path=%path%;d:\New\Directory\To\Add\To\The\Path
Keep in mind that when you update the path in one console, it only affects that session, not others and will not be in force after you get the BSOD (which is probably immanent!) and have to reboot. So, if you want it to be permanent, add it to your system properties or autoexec.bat, depending upon your version of Windows.