i need to develop a PIM application that helps a user to record and organise a list of tasks. a task, known as a "Todo" item, can be an appointment, deadline, meeting, event, etc. for a task the application prompts for a text description. the major operations of the application are: add a "Todo" item. delete a "Todo" item. edit a "Todo" item. list "Todo" items. load a "Todo" file. save a "Todo" file. for the "add" and "edit" operations i have to use a window to obtain (or edit) the details of a "Todo" item. a "Todo" file is a text based file that has the format (in order): 1) Username. 2) Date created. 3) Number. 4) List of items. the list of items is the list of "Todo" items entered by the user, where each item is stored in the format: 1) Date. 2) Description. 3) Type. the application needs to be personalised to a user using a username and password. the user has to enter their username and password when they first run the application. basically the application has to allow a user to log on with a username and password. record the user's full name. manage a list of "Todo" items: add an item. delete an item. edit an item. list items in date order. set alarm. allow a user to save and load "Todo" items to a text file. search facility, and finally display a calander for the current month and allowing a user to navigate backwards of forwards by a month. in addtion i must use the following to implement the above: a class to store the details of a "Todo" item. use of the linked list data structure or similar but not the array. use of swing visual components. use the text I/O stream classes. any help will be truely welcomed and appreciated as i am a new java learner and most things don't make sense at the moment.