Problem type: Recursion / Java Data Structures Problem: Given two positive integers i and j, the greatest common divisor(gcd) of i and j, written: gcd(i,j) is the largest integer k such that (i % k = 0) and (j % k = 0) For example, gcd(35,21) = 7 and gc(8,15) = 1. Develope a recursive method that returns the gcd of i and j. Here is the Method Description -> //precondition: i > 0, j > 0 //postcondition: the greatest common divisor (gcd) of i and j has been returned public int gcd (int i, int j);
Test the method with a processInput (String s) method that converts s to two positive integers and outputs their greatest common divisor.
------------------------------------------------------ A posted complete solution would be awesome! and thank you in advance!