You are asked to write a class called ArrayReader which provides static methods to read and write arrays to and from the disk. the code should be robust and throw an ArrayReaderException if any problems occur. The file format is 'comma spearated text'.
1) Define the ArrayReaderException class with a constructor to allow a warning message to be displayed. The ArrayReaderException should be a checked exception.
2) Define the empty ArrayReader class and add a method with the format below, which reads the contents of the file (example.mat) from the disk and returns an integer array.
public static iny[][] parseFile(String fileName)
3) Add a method with the format below which writes the array to the disk in the correct format.
public static void writeFile(String fileName, int[][] array)
4) Add a static 'main' method to demosntrate the code by reading 'example.mat' and saving it under a new name.