Re: Java and COM Object
Posted: Feb 26, 2004 1:17 AM
You CAN use the interface offered by microsoft, but that will only work with JVM, wich has only the possibilities of Java 1.
The other solution is to use a software like jintegra 2.0 offered by Intrasync. I used this too and it works just great. It creates Proxy Classes and Interfaces from any COM dll or exe.
You can then access the com objekt as if it was a Java Object.
It has two different ways to use: DCOM on any operating system, NATIVE MODE only for windows platforms (for older com objects).
It's NOT free. 5 licences cost around 500 US-Dollars.
What you can do: write a programm accessing the com server on Java 1 using microsoft's tool, then acess this program from the Java2 program.