Can you help me, as i have to supply functionality for a button on a gui . This button has to bring up a new gui. the new gui has three buttons on it (restock, empty and adjust), with a cancel button at the bottom of the screen which allows user to return to the original main gui.
when clicked on;
-restock, should allow user to enter amount to restock for each of six differant currencies. Then return new amount for use in main program.
- empty, should get amount entered into machine and allow user to zero this amount(i.e. like emptying a cash box) and return zero to main program.
adjust, should get current exchange rate from main program and allow user to alter the exchange rate for each of the currencies.Then return new rates for use in main program.
Finally i need to include pop-up error messages within the main program at appropiate points.These pop-up messages should have a quit button on them.