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illegal start of expression...

3 replies on 1 page. Most recent reply: Nov 23, 2009 7:17 PM by joel tan

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joel tan

Posts: 3
Nickname: igottanoe
Registered: Nov, 2009

illegal start of expression... Posted: Nov 22, 2009 8:24 PM
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newbie here.
Anyway the program was :

Create class call Room
Have two constructors that accepts parameters width and length.and calculate both the area and the perimeter.

test it out by getting users to input the data and using each of the constructors
to display the results, I had to create a method call displayDimensions

here's my code.
 *adding on to assignment 8 Room class 
 *add on : one more constructor + method getPerimeter
public class Room2
    private double length;
    private double width;
    public Room2 ( )   //No arg- constructor
        length = 0.0;
        width = 0.0;
    public Room2 (double lengt, double widt )  // second constructor
        length = lengt;
        width = widt;
    public void setLength ( double leng) //stores the value for length           
        length = leng;
    public void setWidth (double wid) //stores the value of width
        width = wid;
    public double getLength( ) //Get length
        return length;
    public double getWidth ( ) // Get width
        return width;
    public double findArea ( )  // Get area
        return length * width;
    public double getPerimeter()  // Get perimeter
        return (length*2) + (width*2);

and to the test program
 * Assignment9
 * program to test class Room2
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class RoomTest2
    public static void main (String args)
        double lengt, widt; // for second room
        String input; //user input
        double inp; // changing user input 
        double ar1, ar2; // area
        double pr1, pr2; // Perimeter
        Room2 dimension1 = new Room2();
        Room2 dimension2 = new Room2( lengt, widt);
        DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat ("##.00");
        //first room
        input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog (" Enter room 1 width: ");
        inp = Double.parseDouble(input);
        input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter length of Room 1: ");
        inp = Double.parseDouble(input);
        ar1 = dimension1.findArea( );
        pr1 = dimension1.getPerimeter( );
        //second room using second constructor
        input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog (" Enter room 1 width: ");
        widt = Double.parseDouble(input);
        input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter length of Room 1: ");
        lengt = Double.parseDouble(input);
        ar2 = dimension2.findArea( );
        pr2 = dimension2.getPerimeter( );
        // display room 1 results
        displayDimensions( );
            double a = dimension1;
        //display room 2 results
        displayDimensions( );
            double a = dimension2;
    } // End main
        public static void displayDimensions ( )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Width = "+ ((a).getWidth( )) + "Length = " + ((a).getLength( )) + "\n"+ "area =" + ((a).findArea( )) + "\n" + "Perimeter = " + ((a).getPerimeter( )));
        } // End of display Dimensions
} //End CLASS

Thank you.

joel tan

Posts: 3
Nickname: igottanoe
Registered: Nov, 2009

Re: illegal start of expression... Posted: Nov 22, 2009 11:55 PM
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ok I've found the mistake. Edvidently I'm missing a " } "

However I'm getting another error with my test program.

its at this line:
        double a;
        // display room 1 results
        displayDimensions( );
            a = dimension1;

error being : incompatible types -found Room2 but expected double

George B

Posts: 24
Nickname: hmgeorge
Registered: Feb, 2008

Re: illegal start of expression... Posted: Nov 23, 2009 6:10 AM
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I had to fix a few bugs in your test program to get it to work. Modifications are shown below with old code commented out using "//old//" and new code marked "//new//".

1) The parameter for the main() method needs to be an array of String, not just String.

2) You were calling the Room2(double, double) constructor before you had retrieved the length and width values from the user, so you had to set them using setLength() and setWidth() afterward which kind of skips the point of the exercise (if I understand it correctly). I moved the call to the constructor to after the values are collected and eliminated the calls to setLength() and setWidth() for dimension2.

3) Instead of trying to set a variable to be printed by your displayDimensions routine, I modified it to pass in the Room2 object whose dimensions you want to display as a parameter.

4) I commented out a few lines that weren't being used.

 * Assignment9
 * program to test class Room2
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class RoomTest2
    //old// public static void main (String args)
    public static void main (String[] args) //new//
        double lengt, widt; // for second room
        String input; //user input
        double inp; // changing user input 
        double ar1, ar2; // area
        double pr1, pr2; // Perimeter
        Room2 dimension1 = new Room2();
        //old// Room2 dimension2 = new Room2( lengt, widt);
        DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat ("##.00");
        //first room
        input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog (" Enter room 1 width: ");
        inp = Double.parseDouble(input);
        input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter length of Room 1: ");
        inp = Double.parseDouble(input);
        //old// ar1 = dimension1.findArea( );
        //old// pr1 = dimension1.getPerimeter( );
        //second room using second constructor
        input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog (" Enter room 1 width: ");
        widt = Double.parseDouble(input);
        //old// dimension2.setWidth(widt);
        input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter length of Room 1: ");
        lengt = Double.parseDouble(input);
        //old// dimension2.setLength(lengt);
        Room2 dimension2 = new Room2( lengt, widt); //new//
        //old// ar2 = dimension2.findArea( );
        //old// pr2 = dimension2.getPerimeter( );
        // display room 1 results
        //old// displayDimensions( );
        //old// {
        //old//     double a = dimension1;
        //old// }
        displayDimensions(dimension1); //new//
        //display room 2 results
        //old// displayDimensions( );
        //old// {
        //old//     double a = dimension2;
        //old// }
        displayDimensions(dimension2); //new//
    } // End main
        //old// public static void displayDimensions ( )
        public static void displayDimensions (Room2 a) //new//
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null,
                                           "Width = "+ ((a).getWidth( )) +
                                           "Length = " + ((a).getLength( )) + "\n"+
                                           "area =" + ((a).findArea( )) + "\n" +
                                           "Perimeter = " + ((a).getPerimeter( )));
        } // End of display Dimensions
} //End CLASS

joel tan

Posts: 3
Nickname: igottanoe
Registered: Nov, 2009

Re: illegal start of expression... Posted: Nov 23, 2009 7:17 PM
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Thank you

I understand the whole concept better now.

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