hi.. i was wondering if you could assist me in this conversion excercise. i have to make up for all the missed assignments while i was hospitalized for a month. and this one is giving me a headache for some reason. i'd really appreciate it.. thanx Implement the folowing integer methods: a) Method CELSIUS returns the Celsius equivalent of a Fahrenheit temperature, using the calculation C=5.0 / 9.0 * 9 f - 32 ); b) Metod fahrenheit returns the fahrenheit equivalentof a celsius temperature, using the calculation F = 9.0 / 5.0 * C + 32; c) use the methods from parts (a) & (b) to write an applet that enables the user either to enter a Fahrenheit temperature and display he Celsius equivalent or to enter a Celsius temperature and display the Fahrenheit equivalent. Note: the applet will require two JTextField objects that have registered action events. When actionPerformed is called, the ActionEvent parameter has method getSource() to determine the GUI component with which the user interacted. Your actionPerformed method should contain an if..else statemet of the form if (actionEvent.getSource() == input1){ //process input1 interaction here
} else { //e.getSource() == input2 // process input2 interaction here