im a student studying java i have been given an assignment to do and i need u'r help,im new to this web site and very happy to find such a great web site which helps,pls help me in this question i need the java coding of this,i hope u'll will help me,
assignment is to create a menu driven program for a phone list.A phone list consists of a list of names and phone numbers.An object consists of a three String entries-phone number is a 10 digitnumber,name is first name,and last name.use arrays to solve the problem. user of the program should be able to do the following: List all phone records sorted by last name List all phone records sorted by phone number remove a phone record from the list add a phone number to the list Look up a name in the list save the list to a text file names must be unique--no two exactly same,may have same first name or last name but not both.
when adding a phone record to the list make sure your programm verifies eac field of data for the new phone number,incorect fields must be fixed by the user.when removing a phone record from the list,verify with the use that the phone record should be removed.your program must have a GUI interface and be eay to should use the menu,menuBar classes.
i hope i'll get the codings for the above program very soon,within this week,it would be a great help. thnx,god bless!
Senthoorkumaran, perhaps we need permanent links to those in the forum!
RI (and others): when posting a homework assignment unadorned by any analysis of your own and without any specific questions, please provide the following information:
- Your full name. - The name of your school. - Your instructor's name and email address.
This will be a great help making sure that the answers we supply will correctly and completely fulfill the requirements of the assignment.