Calling a stored procedure which returns multiple result sets. My problem which I cant seem to figure out; when I call cs.getResultSet() all result sets are returned ie 4. Im using ThinWeb Technologies(tm) Driver Version 1.3 for MS SQL Server. Why is this happening???
boolean success = cs.execute(); int i = 0; while(success) { myRs = cs.getResultSet(); information = new Vector(); do { if(i == 0 || i == 1) information.addElement(new Integer(myRs.getInt(1))); else if(i == 2) information.addElement(myRs.getString(1)); else if(i == 3) { Object o[] = new Object[2]; o[0] = myRs.getString(1); o[1] = new Integer(myRs.getInt(2)); information.addElement(o); } }while(; i++; myRs.close(); success = cs.getMoreResults(); } //close connections myRs.close(); cs.close();
CREATE PROC initial_info(@location int) AS --1/ SELECT route From route WHERE location = @location AND type = 0 ORDER BY [route] ASC; --2/ SELECT number From bdrdsmnum WHERE location = @location ORDER BY [number] ASC; --3/ SELECT name From salereps WHERE location = @location ORDER BY [name] ASC; --4/ SELECT description, number From marketsegments; GO