A patient record system is designed to maintain the patients name, ID, and their address. The patients who are called in for routine checkups on an annual basis are known as regular patients. These patients also have their test results stored in the system, together with the name and date of the test. The patient record system must provide the following functions: Register a new patient Obtain all the patient's information, given the patient's ID number Change the patient's status from temporary to regular Record test result for a patient. Write a Java program to implement the required system. The program is required to be menudriven.
I am programmer and this is not my course work.I only needed some ideas on this project since I haven't worked with Java for long hence we are all subscribed to this site for the exposure and nothing more.I have already done this project but I bet there are very different ways to approach it and this is what I am after.
You're right, there are different ways to approach it. Either you can do it yourself, Pay or convince someone to do it for you or steal someone elses coursework
Trying to get people to help you by blatant lying isn't an option,
LOL (Lakhdip)! I'm highly suspicious, but if you're telling the truth, then we'd love to help you. It might help start the discussion if you tell us what language you wrote it in and the design you used.
You guys are being so harsh. Joan clearly did the hard work of substituting the word "patient" for the word "student" before posting this technically challenging and purely work-related problem.
Joan, I'm sure you've already implemented this in J2EE. Perhaps you were interested in implementing it as a Jini service instead, or something like that?