I currently having trouble in writing a programe. Heres the topic for the programe:
Write an applet ParkFees.java that calculates the fees for parking a car. The programe should prompt for the type of vehicle (either a car or truck). It will charge the driver $2 for 1st hour, $1.80 for the 2nd hour, and $1.20 per hour for the rest. If the vehicle is a truck, an additional of $1 is charged to the total.
Your programe should call a method calFee(). The method calFee() will take in the toatl number of hours parked,and a variable indicating whether the vehicle is a car or truck.
Include a textfield for "Enter (c)ar or (t)ruck." Include a textfield for "Enter hours parked." Include a button "Calculate Parking Fees." Include the final calculation "Your parking fees is ???" below.
Can anyone please help me? And will it be possible to E-mail the text programe to me? Thankz!