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1 reply on 1 page. Most recent reply: Mar 2, 2002 8:00 PM by Charles Bell

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Posts: 33
Nickname: hoodlum
Registered: Feb, 2002

Arrays Posted: Feb 25, 2002 9:53 AM
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the task of this assignment is to make a database so you can add to the database a faculty, staff, and student and list them. I am supposed to add methods to sort the database by year of birth, a method to remove a person from the databse by searching the name and then removing it.
now i did most of this and i am able to add person list all but i cant get the sort year method to work and when i used the remove person code i had it doesnt remove the person but it adds that person and says null. I am kinda lost now and i know its pathetic but if anyone could help I would be grateful and if now then its alright. heres the code i got so far....

public class Database

private Person[] personArray;
private int personCount = 0;

* Create a new, empty person database.
public Database()
personArray = new Person[20];

* Add a person to the database.
* @param aPerson the person to add
public void addPerson(Person aPerson)
personArray[personCount] = aPerson;

* Sort the array by the year of birth.
public void sortYear()
int i= 0;
int position = -1;
boolean found = false;

while (i < personCount && !found)
if (personArray.getYearOfBirth() > 1800)
position = i;
found = true;



* Remove a person from the database.
* @param rPerson the person to remove
public void removePerson(Person rPerson)
Person[] tempArray = new Person[personCount];
int nonMatch = 0;
//This will remove the matching item

for (int count = 0; count < personCount; count++)
if ((personArray[count] == rPerson))
tempArray[nonMatch] = personArray[count];

//This will place the good items back in the personArray
for (int good = 0; good < personCount; good++)
personArray[good] = tempArray[good];


* List all the persons currently in the database on standard out.
public void listAll ()
for (int i = 0; i < personCount; i++)
Person aPerson = (Person)personArray;


Charles Bell

Posts: 519
Nickname: charles
Registered: Feb, 2002

Re: Arrays Posted: Mar 2, 2002 8:00 PM
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You need to create a class called Person with any necessary data fields to hold the data on a given person, such as name, position, etc.
then in you Database program create and add Person objects to a Vector object Persons.

Vectors are easier to add elements to, delete elements from, etc. because they grow with data size.
class Person{
      String name = "";
      String position = "";
      public Person(String name, String position){
   = name;
            this.position = position;

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