A. Create a class named DateClass. It should contain three fields for the month, day, and year. Create a two constructors. The first initializes the fields to any value that you want, and the second should accept three arguments, one for each field, the ocnstructor then initializes the fields to these arguments. The class should also have a getDateString method that returns the specified date in dddd mmmm dd yyyy format (ie Monday Sept. 29, 2005). Be sure that invalid dates are not accepted. (ie Feb.29,2005) . Lastly, include a method named isLeapYear which returns true if the date is a leap year false otherwise.
B. Create a class named TestDate which contain the main method. It asks the user to enter the month, day , and year. It will theb instantiate the DateClass and calls the getDateString method then display the output.
*HI! this is task..anyway ive already started this assignment. And it make me confused on how to post the DAy of that certain date. Thanks a lot!