Re: creating a virtual key
Posted: May 11, 2005 11:07 PM
From what I understood you want to create some sort of filter. Instead of showing all commands beginning with 'a', you want to show only those commands wich are in the category of the pressed key.
So your "virtual" key DOES exist (or do you want to build a keyboard with this key), right? I mean, SOMEONE has to press this key ... In this case you will get a KeyPressed Event with the code of the key, depending on your keyboard driver.
I would say that you better go for modifiers instead of virtual keys.
The key event contains a modifier wich tells you if SHIFT or ALT or whatever is pressed.
I would say that you should try to create a modifier for your virtual key.
I don't think it will work if you extend the key event class, but you should modify it's source code and override it (don't overwrite the original .class file, but put the path to your modified class at the beginning of your classpath, also do this in your IDE).
Another question: Since you seem to have some experience with the work for visually impaired users: A friend of mine has heavy problems, too (he only sees with the upper right corner of his eye). So he has problems reading SMS on his cell phone. The new generations have much better displays, but it still is not easy. Do you know a SMS client with a bigger or resizable font? It's for a Nokia 6600, so a Java program would work fine. I don't have any experience with Java midlet, so my attempts to write something did not produce any results.