


Related Docs: object FutureOutcome | package scalatest


class FutureOutcome extends AnyRef

Wrapper class for Future[Outcome] that presents a more convenient API for manipulation in withFixture methods in async styles.

This type serves as the result type of both test functions and withFixture methods in ScalaTest's async styles. A Future[Outcome] is not used as this result type for two reasons. First, Outcome treats exceptions specially, and as a result methods on Future would usually not yield the desired Future[Outcome] result. Only run-aborting exceptions should result in a failed Future[Outcome]. Any other thrown exception other than TestCanceledException or TestPendingException should result in a successfulFuture containing a org.scalatest.Failed. A thrown TestCanceledException should result in a successful Future containing an org.scalatest.Canceled; A thrown TestPendingException should result in a successful Future containing a org.scalatest.Pending. If manipulating a Future[Outcome] directly, by contrast, any thrown exception would result in a failed Future.

Additionally, to be consistent with corresponding transformations in traditional testing styles, methods registering callbacks should return a new future outcome that doesn't complete until both the original future outcome has completed and the subsequent callback has completed execution. Additionally, if the callback itself throws an exception, that exception should determine the result of the future outcome returned by the callback registration method. This behavior is rather inconvenient to obtain on the current Future API, so FutureOutcome provides well-named methods that have this behavior.

Lastly, the FutureOutcome is intended to help prevent confusion by eliminating the need to work with types like scala.util.Success(org.scalatest.Failed). For this purpose a org.scalactic.Or is used instead of a scala.util.Try to describe results of FutureOutcome.

A FutureOutcome represents a computation that can result in an Outcome or an "abort." An abort means that a run-aborting exception occurred during the computation. Any other, non-run-aborting exception will be represented as an non-Succeeded Outcome: one of Failed, Canceled, or Pending.

The methods of FutureOutcome include the following callback registration methods:

The callback methods listed previously can be used to perform a side effect once a FutureOutcome completes. To change an Outcome into a different Outcome asynchronously, use the change registration method, which takes a function from Outcome to Outcome. The other methods on FutureOutcome, isCompleted and value, allow you to poll a FutureOutcome. None of the methods on FutureOutcome block. Lastly, because an implicit Futuristic instance is provided for FutureOutcome, you can use complete-lastly syntax with FutureOutcome.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. FutureOutcome
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new FutureOutcome(underlying: Future[Outcome])


Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  5. def change(f: (Outcome) ⇒ Outcome)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): FutureOutcome


    Registers a transformation function to be executed if this future completes with any Outcome (i.e., no run-aborting exception is thrown), returning a new FutureOutcome representing the result of passing this FutureOutcome's Outcome result to the given transformation function.

    Registers a transformation function to be executed if this future completes with any Outcome (i.e., no run-aborting exception is thrown), returning a new FutureOutcome representing the result of passing this FutureOutcome's Outcome result to the given transformation function.

    If the passed function completes abruptly with an exception, the resulting FutureOutcome will be determined by the type of the thrown exception:

    • TestPendingException - Good(Pending)
    • TestCanceledException - Good(Canceled(<the exception>))
    • Any non-run-aborting Throwable - Good(Failed(<the exception>))
    • A run-aborting Throwable - Bad(<the run-aborting exception>)

    For more information on run-aborting exceptions, see the Run-aborting exceptions section in the main Scaladoc for trait Suite.


    a transformation function to execute if and when this FutureOutcome completes with an Outcome


    an execution context that provides a strategy for executing the transformation function


    a new FutureOutcome that will complete only after this FutureOutcome has completed and, if this FutureOutcome completes with a valid Outcome, the passed callback function has completed execution.

  6. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  7. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  8. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  9. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  10. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  11. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  12. def isCompleted: Boolean


    Indicates whether this FutureOutcome has completed.

    Indicates whether this FutureOutcome has completed.

    This method does not block.


    true if this FutureOutcome has completed; false otherwise.

  13. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  14. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  15. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  16. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  17. def onAbortedThen(callback: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): FutureOutcome


    Registers a callback function to be executed if this future completes because a run-aborting exception was thrown, returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    Registers a callback function to be executed if this future completes because a run-aborting exception was thrown, returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    The resulting FutureOutcome will have the same result as this FutureOutcome, unless the callback completes abruptly with an exception. In that case, the resulting FutureOutcome will be determined by the type of the thrown exception:

    • TestPendingException - Good(Pending)
    • TestCanceledException - Good(Canceled(<the exception>))
    • Any non-run-aborting Throwable - Good(Failed(<the exception>))
    • A run-aborting Throwable - Bad(<the run-aborting exception>)

    For more information on run-aborting exceptions, see the Run-aborting exceptions section in the main Scaladoc for trait Suite.


    a side-effecting function to execute if and when this FutureOutcome completes with an abort.


    an execution context that provides a strategy for executing the callback function


    a new FutureOutcome that will complete only after this FutureOutcome has completed and, if this FutureOutcome completes abnormally with a run-aborting exception, the passed callback function has completed execution.

  18. def onCanceledThen(callback: (TestCanceledException) ⇒ Unit)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): FutureOutcome


    Registers a callback function to be executed if this future completes with Canceled, returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    Registers a callback function to be executed if this future completes with Canceled, returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    The resulting FutureOutcome will have the same result as this FutureOutcome, unless the callback completes abruptly with an exception. In that case, the resulting FutureOutcome will be determined by the type of the thrown exception:

    • TestPendingException - Good(Pending)
    • TestCanceledException - Good(Canceled(<the exception>))
    • Any non-run-aborting Throwable - Good(Failed(<the exception>))
    • A run-aborting Throwable - Bad(<the run-aborting exception>)

    For more information on run-aborting exceptions, see the Run-aborting exceptions section in the main Scaladoc for trait Suite.


    a side-effecting function to execute if and when this FutureOutcome completes with Canceled


    an execution context that provides a strategy for executing the callback function


    a new FutureOutcome that will complete only after this FutureOutcome has completed and, if this FutureOutcome completes with Canceled, the passed callback function has completed execution.

  19. def onCompletedThen(callback: (Or[Outcome, Throwable]) ⇒ Unit)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): FutureOutcome


    Registers a callback function to be executed after this future completes, returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    Registers a callback function to be executed after this future completes, returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    The resulting FutureOutcome will have the same result as this FutureOutcome, unless the callback completes abruptly with an exception. In that case, the resulting FutureOutcome will be determined by the type of the thrown exception:

    • TestPendingException - Good(Pending)
    • TestCanceledException - Good(Canceled(<the exception>))
    • Any non-run-aborting Throwable - Good(Failed(<the exception>))
    • A run-aborting Throwable - Bad(<the run-aborting exception>)

    For more information on run-aborting exceptions, see the Run-aborting exceptions section in the main Scaladoc for trait Suite.


    a side-effecting function to execute when this FutureOutcome completes


    an execution context that provides a strategy for executing the callback function


    a new FutureOutcome that will complete only after this FutureOutcome and, subsequently, the passed callback function have completed execution.

  20. def onFailedThen(callback: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): FutureOutcome


    Registers a callback function to be executed if this future completes with Failed, returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    Registers a callback function to be executed if this future completes with Failed, returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    The resulting FutureOutcome will have the same result as this FutureOutcome, unless the callback completes abruptly with an exception. In that case, the resulting FutureOutcome will be determined by the type of the thrown exception:

    • TestPendingException - Good(Pending)
    • TestCanceledException - Good(Canceled(<the exception>))
    • Any non-run-aborting Throwable - Good(Failed(<the exception>))
    • A run-aborting Throwable - Bad(<the run-aborting exception>)

    For more information on run-aborting exceptions, see the Run-aborting exceptions section in the main Scaladoc for trait Suite.


    a side-effecting function to execute if and when this FutureOutcome completes with Failed


    an execution context that provides a strategy for executing the callback function


    a new FutureOutcome that will complete only after this FutureOutcome has completed and, if this FutureOutcome completes with Failed, the passed callback function has completed execution.

  21. def onOutcomeThen(callback: (Outcome) ⇒ Unit)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): FutureOutcome


    Registers a callback function to be executed if this future completes with any Outcome (i.e., no run-aborting exception is thrown), returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    Registers a callback function to be executed if this future completes with any Outcome (i.e., no run-aborting exception is thrown), returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    The resulting FutureOutcome will have the same result as this FutureOutcome, unless the callback completes abruptly with an exception. In that case, the resulting FutureOutcome will be determined by the type of the thrown exception:

    • TestPendingException - Good(Pending)
    • TestCanceledException - Good(Canceled(<the exception>))
    • Any non-run-aborting Throwable - Good(Failed(<the exception>))
    • A run-aborting Throwable - Bad(<the run-aborting exception>)

    For more information on run-aborting exceptions, see the Run-aborting exceptions section in the main Scaladoc for trait Suite.


    a side-effecting function to execute if and when this FutureOutcome completes with an Outcome (i.e., not an abort)


    an execution context that provides a strategy for executing the callback function


    a new FutureOutcome that will complete only after this FutureOutcome has completed and, if this FutureOutcome completes with a valid Outcome, the passed callback function has completed execution.

  22. def onPendingThen(callback: ⇒ Unit)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): FutureOutcome


    Registers a callback function to be executed if this future completes with Pending, returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    Registers a callback function to be executed if this future completes with Pending, returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    The resulting FutureOutcome will have the same result as this FutureOutcome, unless the callback completes abruptly with an exception. In that case, the resulting FutureOutcome will be determined by the type of the thrown exception:

    • TestPendingException - Good(Pending)
    • TestCanceledException - Good(Canceled(<the exception>))
    • Any non-run-aborting Throwable - Good(Failed(<the exception>))
    • A run-aborting Throwable - Bad(<the run-aborting exception>)

    For more information on run-aborting exceptions, see the Run-aborting exceptions section in the main Scaladoc for trait Suite.


    a side-effecting function to execute if and when this FutureOutcome completes with Pending


    an execution context that provides a strategy for executing the callback function


    a new FutureOutcome that will complete only after this FutureOutcome has completed and, if this FutureOutcome completes with Pending, the passed callback function has completed execution.

  23. def onSucceededThen(callback: ⇒ Unit)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): FutureOutcome


    Registers a callback function to be executed if this future completes with Succeeded, returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    Registers a callback function to be executed if this future completes with Succeeded, returning a new future that completes only after the callback has finished execution.

    The resulting FutureOutcome will have the same result as this FutureOutcome, unless the callback completes abruptly with an exception. In that case, the resulting FutureOutcome will be determined by the type of the thrown exception:

    • TestPendingException - Good(Pending)
    • TestCanceledException - Good(Canceled(<the exception>))
    • Any non-run-aborting Throwable - Good(Failed(<the exception>))
    • A run-aborting Throwable - Bad(<the run-aborting exception>)

    For more information on run-aborting exceptions, see the Run-aborting exceptions section in the main Scaladoc for trait Suite.


    a side-effecting function to execute if and when this FutureOutcome completes with Succeeded


    an execution context that provides a strategy for executing the callback function


    a new FutureOutcome that will complete only after this FutureOutcome has completed and, if this FutureOutcome completes with Succeeded, the passed callback function has completed execution.

  24. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  25. def toFuture: Future[Outcome]


    Converts this FutureOutcome to a Future[Outcome].

    Converts this FutureOutcome to a Future[Outcome].


    the underlying Future[Outcome]

  26. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  27. def value: Option[Or[Outcome, Throwable]]


    Returns a value that indicates whether this FutureOutcome has completed, and if so, indicates its result.

    Returns a value that indicates whether this FutureOutcome has completed, and if so, indicates its result.

    If this FutureOutcome has not yet completed, this method will return None. Otherwise, this method will return a Some that contains either a Good[Outcome], if this FutureOutcome completed with a valid Outcome result, or if it completed with a thrown run-aborting exception, a Bad[Throwable].

    For more information on run-aborting exceptions, see the Run-aborting exceptions section in the main Scaladoc for trait Suite.


    a Some containing an Or value that indicates the result of this FutureOutcome if it has completed; None otherwise.

  28. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  29. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  30. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )