This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
sevenDotOhLong should not be (4L plusOrMinus 2L) ^
This method enables the following syntax, where odd
refers to
a BeMatcher[Int]
This method enables the following syntax, where odd
refers to
a BeMatcher[Int]
2 should not be (odd) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
result should not be === (7) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
result should not be > (7) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
result should not be < (7) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
result should not be >= (7) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
result should not be <= (7) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
result should not be (7) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
result should not equal (7) ^
This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for
for an overview of the matchers DSL.