Java Technology
Artima Software Company is the business entity through which I have done consulting and custom software development for the past three years. At this time I am focusing my work on developing products related to or based upon Java technology, and I am not accepting new consulting or custom software contracts.
I currently write a column for JavaWorld, titled Under The Hood, in which I cover aspects of the Java virtual machine. Each article includes an applet that demonstrates the concepts presented in the text.
Some Java related links:
Gamelan has an applet registry where you can find links to hundreds of applets organized by category.
JARS (The Java Applet Rating Service) is another registry of applets which have been rated by a panel of judges.
JavaWorld is an e-zine of Java news and technical articles.
Javalogy is an e-zine of Java news.
The Java Repository is a database of Java resources shared between programmers.