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Please spread the word -- Google is giving away money to students for writing open source Python code! I'm simply repeating Neal Norwitz' post here.
This spring and summer, Google will again provide stipends for students (18+, undergraduate thru PhD programs) to write new open-source code.
The Python Software Foundation (PSF)
will again act as a sponsoring organization in Google's Summer of Code, matching mentors and projects benefiting Python and Python users. Projects can include work on the core Python language, programmer utilities, libraries, packages, frameworks related to Python, or other Python implementations like Jython, PyPy, or IronPython. Please add your project ideas to the existing set at
Mentoring instructions are also on this page. The deadline is soon, so please sign up as a mentor early. If you are a student considering a project, you should start deciding now. Feel free to ask questions on
The main page for the Summer of Code is
At the bottom are links to StudentFAQ, MentorFAQ, and TermsOfService. The first two have the timeline. Note that student applications are due between May 1, 17:00 PST and May 8, 17:00 PST.
People interested in mentoring a student though PSF are encouraged to contact Neal Norwitz at People unknown to Guido or Neil should find a couple of people known within the Python community who are willing to act as references.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting many new mentors and students. Let's improve Python!
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Guido van Rossum is the creator of Python, one of the major programming languages on and off the web. The Python community refers to him as the BDFL (Benevolent Dictator For Life), a title straight from a Monty Python skit. He moved from the Netherlands to the USA in 1995, where he met his wife. Until July 2003 they lived in the northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC with their son Orlijn, who was born in 2001. They then moved to Silicon Valley where Guido now works for Google (spending 50% of his time on Python!). |
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