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Pythonista & Techno-Geek A Weblog by David Goodger |
David Goodger is a Python and documentation consultant, creator of
Artima Bloggers
Aahz Jans Aasman B. Scott Andersen Eric Armstrong Ken Arnold Dale Asberry Dave Astels Arash Barirani Matt Bauer Charles Bell Berco Beute Geert Bevin Nitin Borwankar Vladimir Ritz Bossicard Rahul Chaudhary Bob Clancy James O. Coplien Ward Cunningham Andy Dent Christopher Diggins Bruce Eckel Ted Farrell Michael Feathers Elisabeth Freeman Eric Freeman Matt Gerrans David Goodger Gabe Grigorescu Rix Groenboom Cees de Groot Philipp Haller Peter Hansen David Heinemeier Hansson Kevlin Henney Steve Holden Cay Horstmann Ron Jeffries Mark Johnson Greg Jorgensen Heinz Kabutz Rick Kitts Kirk Knoernschild Andrew Koenig Klaus Kreft Sean Landis Angelika Langer Jakob Eg Larsen Josh Long Howard Lovatt Robert C. Martin John McClain Eamonn McManus Jeremy Meyer John D. Mitchell Brian Murphy Sean Neville Nancy Nicolaisen Martin Odersky Vlad Patryshev Johan Peeters Carlos Perez Ken Pugh Eric S. Raymond Ian Robertson Guido van van Rossum Alberto Savoia Jerome Scheuring Richard Hale Shaw Calum Shaw-Mackay Jack Shirazi Michele Simionato Van Simmons Frank Sommers Bruno Souza Sue Spielman Bill Venners David Vydra Jim Waldo Dick Wall Barry Warsaw Mark Williamson Matthew Wilson Gregg Wonderly Kevin Wright |
April 10, 2012, Submit comment
An account of my first Gathering for Gardner, a conference for recreational mathematicians, magicians, puzzlers, philosophers, and other curious types.
February 16, 2012, 1 comment
My old computer died and I have replaced it with a System 76 Gazelle Pro laptop running Ubuntu 11.10 “Oneiric Ocelot”. In this article I review the hardware & the OS. This is an unsolicited and unpaid review.
January 5, 2010, Submit comment
This year I'll be presenting two tutorials on building desktop GUI applications with wxPython.
January 5, 2010, Submit comment
There are only two days left to register at the early-bird rates. The rates go up after Wednesday!
December 6, 2009, Submit comment
The story of my visit to Poznan, Poland, for the RuPy 2009 conference. Also, a link to my talk slides/script.
July 10, 2008, 5 comments
A list of what & why. Mostly tech-oriented 'casts, with the odd, odd exception.
May 29, 2008, Submit comment
A couple weeks ago I saw Speed Racer with my wife and kids. Lots of fun was had by all in this action-packed animé brought to hyper-real life.
May 6, 2008, 11 comments
It's great that Google is moving to Unicode 5.1 and that UTF-8 is so popular, but I wish they'd get their terms straight!
April 13, 2008, Submit comment
Video of my February 7 talk at the Montreal Python users group meeting is now up on the web. It was a lot of fun, and the group seemed to enjoy it too.
January 31, 2008, 5 comments
An interview I did recently with Mike Riley of Dr. Dobb's Journal has been released: http://www.ddj.com/architect/205918857 (click through for a live hyperlink).
July 26, 2007, 9 comments
The materials for the tutorial I presented at PyCon 2007 and OSCON 2007 are now available on my website (with links).
January 3, 2007, 13 comments
What I'll be doing at PyCon 2007 ("Idiomatic Python" tutorial, Docutils sprint), and a reminder of the early-bird registration deadline.
October 25, 2006, 2 comments
In which your humble narrator ponders what to speak about and asks for community input.
October 20, 2006, 2 comments
How a new digital audio player required the application of techno-geek skills to obtain full as-advertised functionality. A notorious monopoly seems to be the culprit. Gee thanks, Bill!
September 26, 2006, 3 comments
One of my graphics was recently featured in a BoingBoing story and is now available as a sticker. This is the story behind that graphic.
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