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Overview of the New C++ cover

Last revised
April 2, 2015
409 pages
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Presentation Materials: Overview of the New C++ (C++11/14)

by Scott Meyers
Single-user license (personal use only)

This PDF document consists of Scott Meyers' extensively annotated presentation materials for his training course on C++11 and C++14. This intensively technical seminar introduces the most important new features in C++11 and C++14 and explains how to get the most out of them.

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  • Same content as the training course: The PDF you'll get is an exact snapshot of Scott's full-color training materials on the day he generates the PDF. You'll get not only the slides Scott shows in class, you'll also get the accompanying notes—the very ones Scott uses. To see exactly what you'll get you can view a free sample.

  • No DRM: You may copy the PDF to as many devices as you like, annotate it in any way you want, print it in part or in full as many times as you choose. Because the PDF is for your personal use only, you are not permitted to provide copies to friends or colleagues, may not install it on servers for public access, can't use it as the basis for presentations, etc., but we trust you to adhere to these restrictions; the PDF itself doesn't try to prevent unauthorized uses. (For more permissive usage options, consider licensing the materials.)

  • Free updates for life: You are entitled to free updates to the materials as long as Scott produces them. Major revisions are included, so you won't have to pay again later for a "new edition."

  • Volume discounts: Want a copy for every member of your team or department? Discounts of 30-50% off single-PDF prices apply to purchases of as few as 10 copies. As the saying goes, the more you buy, the more you save! Consult the discount schedule for details.

About the course

Specification of the latest version of C++ (“C++11”) was completed in 2011, and many compilers now offer a wealth of features from the revised language. And such features! auto-declared variables reduce typing drudgery and syntactic noise; Unicode, threading support, and alignment control address important functionality gaps; and rvalue references and variadic templates facilitate the creation of more efficient, more flexible libraries. The standard library gains resource-managing smart pointers, new containers, additional algorithms, support for regular expressions, and more. Altogether, C++11 offers much more than “old” C++. This intensively technical seminar introduces the most important new features in C++11 and explains how to get the most out of them.

That's not all. A feature-complete draft of C++11's successor, "C++14," has now been adopted, and this course also covers select C++14 features. These include deduced function return types; reader/writer locks; and extensions to lambda expressions (auto and variadic parameters, generalized captures). You won't find a more up-to-date examination of the new C++ anywhere!

Detailed topic outline

  • The History and Vocabulary of C++ Evolution
  • Sample Program: C++98 vs. C++11
  • Features for Everybody:
    • auto for Type Declarations
    • Range-Based for Loops
    • “>>” as Nested Template Closer
    • nullptr
    • Enhanced enums
    • Unicode characters and strings
    • Raw string literals
    • Uniform initialization syntax
    • Initializer lists
    • Lambda Expressions
    • Template Aliases
    • Threading Support
    • Library Enhancements:
      • New Container Features
      • Smart Pointers (shared_ptr, weak_ptr, unique_ptr)
      • Hash Tables
      • Singly-Linked Lists
      • Fixed-Size Arrays
      • Tuples
      • Regular Expressions
      • Generalized Functors(function)
      • Generalized Binder (bind)
      • New Algorithms
      • Other New Library Functionality
  • Features Primarily for Class Authors:
    • Move Support, Rvalue References, and Perfect Forwarding
    • default Member Functions
    • delete Functions
    • Default Member Initialization
    • Delegating Constructors
    • Inheriting Constructors
  • Features Primarily for Library Authors:
    • Static Assertions
    • explicit Conversion Functions
    • Variadic Templates
    • decltype
    • Alignment control (i.e., alignof, alignas, etc.
  • More C++11 Features (Overview)
  • More C++14 Features (Overview)
  • Removed and Deprecated Features (Overview)

About the author

Scott Meyers is one of the world's foremost authorities on C++ software development. He provides training and consulting services to clients worldwide.

Scott wrote the best-selling Effective C++ series (Effective C++, More Effective C++, and Effective STL), is consulting editor for Addison Wesley's Effective Software Development Series and conceived the boutique conferences The C++ Seminar and C++ and Beyond.

In 2009 he received the Dr. Dobb's Excellence in Programming Award.

He received his PhD in Computer Science from Brown University in 1993.

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