You can download a zip file of the example code
from the Jini lecture, which have been updated to work with the 1.0 Jini
release that works with the JDK1.2FCS release. The zip file contains
the following .java
files along with their .class counterparts: (Lookup Service Ping) (Lookup Service Directory) (Lookup Service Find)
The first thing you'll need to do to get this code running
is download the Jini code from the Java Developer Connection:
The Jini release requires JDK1.2FCS to run. You can get this at:
I got started by downloading Noel Enete's Nuggets, which you can find
I recommend downloading Noel's Nuggets and getting his
examples to work first, because he includes very detailed instructions on his
web pages.
I followed Noel Enete's instructions on getting a Jini infrastructure
running on my standalone Windows 95 laptop. I found this to be the most
troublesome part, probably because of my Windows 95 setup. Nevertheless, what
I did was:
- started the webserver that comes with the Jini download
- started RMID (the RMI Activation server)
- I then had to wait about 5 minutes, for RMID to do something I was never
able to figure out
- Then, I started Reggie, which took about 30 seconds or so to install
itself as an Activatable object
To get the example code from my Jini lecture to run:
- Download the code and unzip it
- Make sure the Jini
.jar files are in your
CLASSPATH environment variable
- Compile the code with a
javac *.java
- I then copy all the
.class files to the directory where
the web server will be looking for files
- You can now run
LSD , LSP , and LSF
(LSD and LSP require a Jini URL of a lookup
service as an argument to the command line)
- To run the
SummerService , do an rmic
SummerService to get a stub and skeleton
- I then move all the
SummerService files to a different
directory and start it. It will register itself with a lookup service
at "jini://localhost"
- I then moved the
SummerClient files to a different
directory and started it. SummerClient will look for
a summer service in a lookup service at "jini://localhost"
and let you type in numbers, which it will pass along to the summer
service to add
SummerClient2 works the same as summer service, but
performs its lookup by type rather than attribute
Good luck.