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The previous chapter described in detail the format of the Java class file, the standard binary form for representing Java types. This chapter looks at what happens when binary type data is imported into a Java virtual machine. The chapter follows the lifetime of a type (class or interface) from the type's initial entrance into the virtual machine to its ultimate exit. It discusses the processes of loading, linking, and initialization that occur at the beginning of a type's lifetime; the processes of object instantiation, garbage collection, and finalization that can occur in the prime of a type's lifetime; and the unloading that can occur at the end of a type's lifetime.
The Java virtual machine makes types available to the running program through a process of loading, linking, and initialization. Loading is the process of bringing a binary form for a type into the Java virtual machine. Linking is the process of incorporating the binary type data into the runtime state of the virtual machine. Linking is divided into three sub-steps: verification, preparation, and resolution. Verification ensures the type is properly formed and fit for use by the Java virtual machine. Preparation involves allocating memory needed by the type, such as memory for any class variables. Resolution is the process of transforming symbolic references in the constant pool into direct references. Implementations may delay the resolution step until each symbolic reference is actually used by the running program. After verification, preparation, and (optionally) resolution are completed, the type is ready for initialization. During initialization, the class variables are given their proper initial values. See Figure 7-1 for a graphical depiction of this process.
As you can see from Figure 7-1, the processes of (1) loading, (2) linking, and (3) initialization must take place in that order. The only exception to this required ordering is the third phase of linking, resolution, which may optionally take place after initialization.
The Java virtual machine specification gives implementations flexibility in the timing of class and interface loading and linking, but strictly defines the timing of initialization. All implementations must initialize each class or interface on its first active use. The following six situations qualify as active uses:
instruction. Alternatively, via implicit creation, reflection, cloning, or deserialization.)
and initialized by a compile-time constant expression (in bytecodes, the
execution of a getstatic
or putstatic
or in classes in the java.lang.reflect
method) when a
Java virtual machine starts up
All other uses of a type besides the six listed here are passive uses, which don't trigger an initialization of the type. Several examples illustrating the difference between active and passive uses are given later in this chapter.
As mentioned in the previous list, initialization of a class requires prior initialization of its superclass. Applied recursively, this rule means that all of a class's superclasses must be initialized prior to the initialization of the class. The same is not true, however, of interfaces. An interface is initialized only because a non-constant field declared by the interface is used, never because a subinterface or class that implements the interface needs to be initialized. Thus, initialization of a class requires prior initialization of all its superclasses, but not its superinterfaces. Initialization of an interface does not require initialization of its superinterfaces.
The "initialize on first active use" rule drives the mechanism that loads, links, and initializes classes. On its first active use, a type must be initialized. Before it can be initialized, however, it must be linked. And before it can be linked, it must be loaded. At their option, implementations may load and link types early. They need not wait until the type's first active use to load and link the type. If a type hasn't been loaded and linked before its first active use, however, it must be loaded and linked at that time, so that it can be initialized.
The loading process consists of three basic activities. To load a type, the Java virtual machine must:
that represents the type
The Java virtual machine specification does not say how the binary data for a type must be produced. Some potential ways to produce binary data for a type are:
. The virtual machine must
parse the binary data into implementation-dependent internal data structures. (See Chapter 5, "The Java
Virtual Machine," for a discussion of potential internal data structures for storing class data.) The
instance, the end product of the loading step, serves as an interface between the
program and the internal data structures. To access information about a type that is stored in the internal
data structures, the program invokes methods on the Class
instance for that type.
Together, the processes of parsing the binary data for a type into internal data structures in the method area
and instantiating a Class
object on heap are called creating the type.
As described in previous chapters, types are loaded either through the bootstrap class loader or through
user-defined class loaders. The bootstrap class loader, a part of the virtual machine implementation, loads
types (including the classes and interfaces of the Java API) in an implementation-dependent way. User-
defined class loaders, instances of subclasses of java.lang.ClassLoader
, load
classes in custom ways. The inner workings of user-defined class loaders are described in more detail later in
Chapter 8, "The Linking Model."
Class loaders (bootstrap or user-defined) need not wait until a type's first active use before they load the
type. Class loaders are allowed to cache binary representations of types, load types early in anticipation of
eventual use, or load types together in related groups. If a class loader encounters a problem during early
loading, however, it must report that problem (by throwing a subclass of
) only upon the type's first active use. In other words, if a class loader
encounters a missing or malformed class file during early loading, it must wait to report that error until the
class's first active use by the program. If the class is never actively used by the program, the class loader will
never report the error.
After a type is loaded, it is ready to be linked. The first step of the linking process is verification-- ensuring that the type obeys the semantics of the Java language and that it won't violate the integrity of the virtual machine.
Verification is another area in which implementations of the Java virtual machine have some flexibility. Implementation designers can decide how and when to verify types. The Java virtual machine specification lists all the exceptions that a virtual machine can throw and under what circumstances it must throw them. No matter what kind of trouble a Java virtual machine might encounter, there is an exception or error it is supposed to throw. The specification says what exception or error should be thrown in each situation. In some cases, the specification says exactly when the exception or error should be thrown, but usually doesn't dictate precisely how or when the error condition should be detected.
Nevertheless, certain kinds of checks are very likely to take place at certain times in most Java virtual machine implementations. For example, during the loading process, the virtual machine must parse the stream of binary data that represents the type and build internal data structures. At this point, certain checks will have to be done just to ensure the initial act of parsing the binary data won't crash the virtual machine. During this parsing, implementations will likely check the binary data to make sure it has the expected overall format. Parsers of the Java class file format might check the magic number, make sure each component is in the right place and of the proper length, verify that the file isn't too short or too long, and so on. Although these checks take place during loading, before the official verification phase of linking, they are still logically part of the verification phase. The entire process of detecting any kind of problem with loaded types is placed under the category of verification.
Another check that likely occurs during loading is making sure that every class except
has a superclass. This may be done during loading because when the virtual
machine loads a class, it must also make sure all of the class's superclasses are loaded also. The only way a
virtual machine can know the name of a given class's superclass is by peering into the binary data for the
class. Since the virtual machine is looking at every class's superclass data during loading anyway, it may as
well make this check during the loading phase.
Another check--one that likely occurs after the official verification phase in most implementations--is the verification of symbolic references. As described in earlier chapters, the process of dynamic linking involves locating classes, interfaces, fields, and methods referred to by symbolic references stored in the constant pool, and replacing the symbolic references with direct references. When the virtual machine searches for a symbolically referenced entity (type, field, or method), it must first make sure the entity exists. If the virtual machine finds that the entity exists, it must further check that the referencing type has permission to access the entity, given the entity's access permissions. These checks for existence and access permission are logically a part of verification, the first phase of linking, but most likely happen during resolution, the third phase of linking. Resolution itself can be delayed until each symbolic reference is first used by the program, so these checks may even take place after initialization.
So what gets checked during the official verification phase? Anything that hasn't already been checked before the official verification phase and that won't get checked after it. Here are two lists of some of the things that are good candidates for checking during the official verification phase. This first list is composed of checks that ensure classes are binary compatible with each other:
Note that while these checks require looking at other types, they only require looking at supertypes. Superclasses need to be initialized before subclasses, so these classes are likely already loaded. Superinterfaces do not need to be initialized when a class that implements them is initialized. However, superinterfaces must be loaded when the class that implements them (or the interface that extends them) is loaded. (They won't be initialized, just loaded and possibly linked at the option of the virtual machine implementation.) All a class's supertypes will be loaded when the class is loaded. At verification time, the class and all its supertypes will be to make sure they are all still binary compatible with one another.
item of a CONSTANT_String_info
must be the index of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info
The most complicated task in the above list is the last one: bytecode verification. All Java virtual machines must in some way verify the integrity of the bytecodes for every method they execute. For example, implementations are not allowed to crash because a jump instruction sends the virtual machine beyond the end of a method. They must detect that the jump instruction is invalid through some process of bytecode verification, and throw an error.
Java virtual machine implementations are not required to verify bytecodes during the official verification phase of linking. Implementations are free, for example, to verify individual instructions as each instruction is executed. One of the design goals of the Java virtual machine instruction set, however, was that it yield bytecodes streams that can be verified all at once by a data flow analyzer. The ability to verify bytecode streams all at once during linking, rather than on the fly as the program runs, gives a big boost to the potential execution speed of Java programs.
When verifying bytecodes via a data flow analyzer, the virtual machine may have to load other classes to
ensure that the semantics of the Java language are being followed. For example, imagine a class contained a
method that assigned a reference to an instance of java.lang.Float
to a field of
type java.lang.Number
. In this case, the virtual machine would have to load class
during bytecode verification to make sure it was a subclass of class
. It would have to load Number
to make sure it wasn't
declared final. The virtual machine must not initialize class Float
at this time, just load
it. Float
will be initialized only upon its first active use.
For more information on the class verification process, see Chapter 3, "Security."
After a Java virtual machine has loaded a class and performed whatever verification it chooses to do up front, the class is ready for preparation. During the preparation phase, the Java virtual machine allocates memory for the class variables and sets them to default initial values. The class variables are not initialized to their proper initial values until the initialization phase. (No Java code is executed during the preparation step.) During preparation, the Java virtual machine sets the newly allocated memory for the class variables to a default value determined by the type of the variable. The default values for the various types are shown in Table 7-1.
Type | Initial Value |
int |
0 |
long |
0L |
short |
(short) 0 |
char |
'\u0000' |
byte |
(byte) 0 |
boolean |
false |
reference |
null |
float |
0.0f |
double |
0.0d |
Table 7-1. Default initial values for the primitive and reference types
Although the boolean
type appears in Table 7-1, the Java virtual machine itself
has very little support for boolean
s. Internally, boolean
usually implemented as an int
, which gets set to zero (boolean
) by default. Therefore, boolean
class variables, even if
they are implemented internally as int
s, are initialized to false
During the preparation phase, Java virtual machine implementations may also allocate memory for data structures that are intended to improve the performance of the running program. An example of such a data structure is a method table, which contains a pointer to the data for every method in a class, including those inherited from its superclasses. A method table enables an inherited method to be invoked on an object without a search of superclasses at the point of invocation. Method tables are described in more detail in Chapter 8, "The Linking Model."
After a type has been through the first two phases of linking: verification and preparation, it is ready for the third and final phase of linking: resolution. Resolution is the process of locating classes, interfaces, fields, and methods referenced symbolically from a type's constant pool, and replacing those symbolic references with direct references. As mentioned above, this phase of linking is optional until (and unless) each symbolic reference is first used by the program. Resolution is described in detail in Chapter 8, "The Linking Model."
The final step required to ready a class or interface for its first active use is initialization, the process of setting class variables to their proper initial values. As used here, a "proper" initial value is the programmer's desired starting value for a class variable. A proper initial value contrasts with the default initial value given to class variables during preparation. As described above, the virtual machine assigns default values based only on each variable's type. Proper initial values, by contrast, are based on some master plan known only to the programmer.
In Java code, a proper initial value is specified via a class variable initializer or static initializer. A class variable initializer is an equals sign and expression next to a class variable declaration, as in:
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex1/Example1a.java class Example1a { // "= 3 * (int) (Math.random() * 5.0)" is the class variable // initializer static int size = 3 * (int) (Math.random() * 5.0); }
A static initializer is a block of code introduced by the static
keyword, as in:
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex1/Example1b.java class Example1b { static int size; // This is the static initializer static { size = 3 * (int) (Math.random() * 5.0); } }
All the class variable initializers and static initializers of a type are collected by the Java compiler and
placed into one special method. For classes, this method is called the class initialization
method; for interfaces, the interface initialization method. In Java class files for both
classes and interfaces, this method is named "
". Regular methods of a Java
application cannot invoke a
method. This kind of method can only be
invoked by the Java virtual machine, which invokes it to set a type's static variables to their proper initial
Initialization of a class consists of two steps:
, then all the classes on down
the inheritance hierarchy to the class being actively used. Superclasses will be initialized before subclasses.
Initialization of an interface does not require initialization of its superinterfaces. Initialization of an interface consists of only one step:
The code of a
method does not explicitly invoke a superclass's
method. Before a Java virtual machine invokes the
method of a class, therefore, it must make certain the
methods of superclasses have been executed.
Java virtual machines must also make sure the initialization process is properly synchronized. If multiple threads need to initialize a class, only one thread should be allowed to perform the initialization while the other threads wait. After the active thread completes the initialization process, it must notify any waiting threads. See Chapter 20, "Thread Synchronization," for information about synchronization, wait and notify.
MethodAs mentioned above, Java compilers place the code for class variable initializers and static initializers
into the
method of the class file in the order in which they appear in the
class or interface declaration. For example, given this class:
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex1/Example1c.java class Example1c { static int width; static int height = (int) (Math.random() * 2.0); // This is the static initializer static { width = 3 * (int) (Math.random() * 5.0); } }The Java compiler generates the following
// The code for height's class variable initializer begins here // Invoke Math.random(), which will push // a double return value 0 invokestatic #6 <Method double random()> 3 ldc2_w #8 <Double 2.0> // Push double constant 2.0 6 dmul // Pop two doubles, multiply, push result 7 d2i // Pop double, convert to int, push int // Pop int, store into class variable // height 8 putstatic #5 <Field int height> // The code for the static initializer begins here 11 iconst_3 // Push int constant 3 // Invoke Math.random(), which will push // a double return value 12 invokestatic #6 <Method double random()> 15 ldc2_w #10 <Double 5.0> // Push double constant 5.0 18 dmul // Pop two doubles, multiply, push result 19 d2i // Pop double, convert to int, push int 20 imul // Pop two ints, multiply, push int result // Pop int, store into class variable // width 21 putstatic #7 <Field int width> 24 return // Return void from <clinit> methodThis
method first executes the code for
's only class variable initializer, which initializes
, then executes the code for the static initializer, which initializes
. The initialization is done in this order because the class variable initializer
appears textually before the static initializer in the source code of the Example1c
Not all classes will necessarily have a
method in their class file. If a
class declares no class variables or static initializers, it won't have a
method. If a class declares class variables, but doesn't explicitly initialize them with class variable initializers
or static initializers, it won't have a
method. If a class contains only class
variable initializers for static final variables, and those class variable initializers use compile-time constant
expressions, that class won't have a
method. Only those classes that
actually require Java code to be executed to initialize class variables to proper initial values will have a class
initialization method.
Here's an example of a class that won't be awarded a
method by the
Java compiler:
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex1/Example1d.java class Example1d { static final int angle = 35; static final int length = angle * 2; }Class
declares two constants, angle
, and initializes them with expressions that are compile-time constants. The
compiler knows that angle
represents the value 35 and length
represents the value 70. When the Example1d
class is loaded by a Java virtual
machine, angle
and length
are not stored as class variables in
the method area. As a result, no ()
method is needed to initialize them. The
and length
fields are not class variables, they are
constants, which are treated specially by the Java compiler.
Instead of treating Example1d
's angle
fields as class variables, the Java compiler places the constant
values they represent into the constant pool or bytecode streams of any class that
uses them. For example, if a class uses Example1d
's angle
that class will not have in its constant pool a symbolic reference to the angle
field of
class Example1d
. Instead, the class will have operands embedded in its bytecode
streams that have the value 35. If the constant value of angle
were outside the range
of a short
(-32,768 to 32,767), say 35,000, the class would have a
entry in its constant pool with the value of 35,000.
Here's a class that uses both a constant and a class variable from other classes:
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex1/Example1e.java class Example1e { // The class variable initializer for symbolicRef uses a symbolic // reference to the size class variable of class Example1a static int symbolicRef = Example1a.size; // The class variable initializer for localConst doesn't use a // symbolic reference to the length field of class Example1d. // Instead, it just uses a copy of the constant value 70. static int localConst = Example1d.length * (int) (Math.random() * 3.0); }
The Java compiler generates the following
method for class
// The code for symbolicRef's class variable initializer begins here: // Push int value from Example1a.size. // This getstatic instruction refers to a // symbolic reference to Example1a.size. 0 getstatic #9 <Field int size> // Pop int, store into class variable // symbolicRef 3 putstatic #10 <Field int symbolicRef> // The code for localConst's class variable intializer begins here: // Expand byte operand to int, push int // result. This is the local copy of 6 bipush 70 // Example1d's length constant, 70. // Invoke Math.random(), which will push // a double return value 8 invokestatic #8 <Method double random()> 11 ldc2_w #11 <Double 3.0> // Push double constant 3.0 14 dmul // Pop two doubles, multiply, push result 15 d2i // Pop double, convert to int, push int 16 imul // Pop two ints, multiply, push int result // Pop int, store into class variable // localConst 17 putstatic #7 <Field int localConst> 20 return // Return void from <clinit> methodThe
instruction at offset zero uses a symbolic reference (in constant pool
entry nine) to the size
field of class Example1a
. The
instruction at offset six is followed by a byte that contains the constant value
represented by Example1d.length
. Example1e
's constant
pool contains no symbolic reference to anything in class Example1d
Interfaces may also be awarded a
method in the class file. All fields
declared in an interface are implicitly public, static, and final and must be initialized with a field initializer. If
an interface has any field initializers that don't resolve at compile-time to a constant, that interface will have
method. Here's an example:
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex1/Example1f.java interface Example1f { int ketchup = 5; int mustard = (int) (Math.random() * 5.0); }The Java compiler generates the following
method for interface
// The code for mustard's class variable initializer begins here // Invoke Math.random(), which will push // a double return value 0 invokestatic #6 <Method double random()> 3 ldc2_w #7 <Double 5.0> // Push double constant 2.0 6 dmul // Pop two doubles, multiply, push result 7 d2i // Pop double, convert to int, push int // Pop int, store into class variable // mustard 8 putstatic #5 <Field int mustard> 11 return // Return void from <clinit> methodNote that only the
field is initialized by this
method. Because the ketchup
field is initialized to
a compile-time constant, it is treated specially by the compiler. Although types that use
will contain a symbolic reference to the field, types that use
will contain a local copy of ketchup
constant value, 5.
As mentioned previously, the Java virtual machine initializes types on their first active use. Only six activities constitute an active use: creating a new instance of a class, invoking a static method declared in a class, accessing a non-constant static field declared in a class or interface, the invocation of certain reflective methods in the Java API, the initialization of a subclass of a class, and the designation of a class as the initial class when a Java virtual machine starts up.
A use of a non-constant static field is an active use of only the class or interface that actually declares the field. For example, a field declared in a class may be referred to via a subclass. A field declared in an interface may be referred to via a subinterface or class that implements the interface. These are passive uses of the subclass, subinterface, or class that implements the interface--uses that won't trigger their initialization. They are an active use only of the class or interface in which the field is actually declared. Here's an example that illustrates this principle:
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex2/NewParent.java class NewParent { static int hoursOfSleep = (int) (Math.random() * 3.0); static { System.out.println("NewParent was initialized."); } } // On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex2/NewbornBaby.java class NewbornBaby extends NewParent { static int hoursOfCrying = 6 + (int) (Math.random() * 2.0); static { System.out.println("NewbornBaby was initialized."); } } // On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex2/Example2.java class Example2 { // Invoking main() is an active use of Example2 public static void main(String[] args) { // Using hoursOfSleep is an active use of NewParent, // but a passive use of NewbornBaby int hours = NewbornBaby.hoursOfSleep; System.out.println(hours); } static { System.out.println("Example2 was initialized."); } }
In the above example, executing main()
of Example2
causes only Example2
and NewParent
to be initialized.
is not initialized and need not be loaded. The following text is printed
to the standard output:
Example2 was initialized. NewParent was initialized. 2
A use of a field that is both static
and final
, and initialized
by a compile-time constant expression, is not an active use of the type that declares the field. As mentioned
above, the Java compiler resolves references to such fields to a local copy of the constant value that resides
either in the referring class's constant pool, in its bytecode streams, or both. Here's an example that
illustrates this special treatment of static final fields:
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex3/Angry.java interface Angry { String greeting = "Grrrr!"; int angerLevel = Dog.getAngerLevel(); } // On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex3/Dog.java class Dog { static final String greeting = "Woof, woof, world!"; static { System.out.println("Dog was initialized."); } static int getAngerLevel() { System.out.println("Angry was initialized"); return 1; } } // On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex3/Example3.java class Example3 { // Invoking main() is an active use of Example3 public static void main(String[] args) { // Using Angry.greeting is a passive use of Angry System.out.println(Angry.greeting); // Using Dog.greeting is a passive use of Dog System.out.println(Dog.greeting); } static { System.out.println("Example3 was initialized."); } }
Running the Example3
application yields the following output:
Example3 was initialized. Grrrr! Woof, woof, world!
Had Angry
been initialized, the string "Angry was
would have been written to the standard output. Likewise, had
been initialized, the string "Dog was initialized."
would have been written to the standard output. As you can see from the above output, neither interface
or class Dog
were ever initialized during the execution of
the Example3
For more information about this special treatment of static final variables, see Chapter 8, "The Linking Model."
Once a class has been loaded, linked, and initialized, it is ready for use. The program can access its static fields, invoke its static methods, or create instances of it. This section describes class instantiation and initialization, activities that take place at the beginning of an object's lifetime, and garbage collection and finalization, activities that mark the end of an object's lifetime.
In Java programs, classes can be instantiated explicitly or implicitly. The four ways a class can be
instantiated explicitly are with the new
operator, by invoking
on a Class
object, by invoking
on any existing object, or by deserializing an object via the
method of
. Here is an example showing three ways to
create a new class instance:
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex4/Example4.java class Example4 implements Cloneable { Example4() { System.out.println("Created by invoking newInstance()"); } Example4(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, CloneNotSupportedException { // Create a new Example4 object with the new operator Example4 obj1 = new Example4("Created with new."); // Get a reference to the Class instance for Example4, then // invoke newInstance() on it to create a new Example4 object Class myClass = Class.forName("Example4"); Example4 obj2 = (Example4) myClass.newInstance(); // Make an identical copy of the the second Example4 object Example4 obj3 = (Example4) obj2.clone(); } }
When executed, the Example4
application prints this output:
Created with new. Created by invoking newInstance()
Besides the four ways listed previously to explicitly instantiate objects in Java source code, there are
several situations in which objects will be instantiated implicitly--without an explicit
, newInstance()
, clone()
, or
appearing in the source.
Possibly the first implicitly instantiated objects of any Java application are the
objects that hold the command line arguments. References to these objects,
one for each command-line argument, are delivered in the String
array passed as the
sole parameter to the main()
method of every application.
Two other ways a class can be instantiated implicitly involve the process of class loading. First, for every
type a Java virtual machine loads, it implicitly instantiates a new Class
object to
represent that type. Second, when the Java virtual machine loads a class that contains
entries in its constant pool, it may instantiate new
objects to represent those constant string literals. The process of transforming
a CONSTANT_String_info
entry in the method area to a
instance on the heap is part of the process of constant pool resolution. This
process is described in detail in Chapter 8, "The Linking Model."
Another way objects can be created implicitly is through the process of evaluating an expression that
involves the string concatenation operator. If such an expression is not a compile-time constant, intermediate
and StringBuffer
objects will be created in the
process of evaluating the expression. Here's an example:
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex5/Example5.java class Example5 { public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 2) { System.out.println("Must enter any two args."); return; } System.out.println(args[0] + args[1]); } }
generates these bytecodes for Example5
's main()
0 aload_0 // Push the objref from loc var 0 (args) 1 arraylength // Pop arrayref, calc array length, push int length 2 iconst_2 // Push int constant 2 // Pop 2 ints, compare, branch if (length >= 2) to 3 if_icmpge 15 // offset 15. // Push objref from System.out 6 getstatic #11 <Field java.io.PrintStream out> // Push objref of string literal 9 ldc #1 <String "Must enter any two args."> // Pop objref to String param, objref to System.out, // invoke println() 11 invokevirtual #12 <Method void println(java.lang.String)> 14 return // Return void from main() // Push objref from System.out 15 getstatic #11 <Field java.io.PrintStream out> // The string concatenation operation begins here // Allocate mem for new StringBuffer object, and // initialize mem to default initial values, push // objref to new object 18 new #6 <Class java.lang.StringBuffer> 21 dup // Duplicate objref to StringBuffer object 22 aload_0 // Push ref from loc var 0 (args) 23 iconst_0 // Push int constant 0 // Pop int, arrayref, push String at arrayref[int], 24 aaload // which is args[0] // Pop objref, invoke String's class method // valueOf(), passing it the objref to the args[0] // String object. valueOf() calls toString() on the // ref, and returns (and pushes) the result, which // happens to be the original args[0] String. In this // case, the stack will look precisely the same // before and after this instruction is executed. // Thus here, the 1.1 javac compiler has // over-enthusiastically generated an unnecessary // instruction. 25 invokestatic #14 <Method java.lang.String valueOf( java.lang.Object)> // Pop objref to args[0] String, objref of the // StringBuffer object, invoke <init>() method on the // StringBuffer object passing the args[0] objref as // the only parameter. 28 invokespecial #9 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer(java.lang.String)> 31 aload_0 // Push objref from loc var 0 (args) 32 iconst_1 // Push int constant 1 // Pop int, arrayref, push String at arrayref[int], 33 aaload // which is args[1] // Pop objref to args[1] String, objref of the // StringBuffer object (there's still another objref // to this same object on the stack because of the // dup instruction above), invoke append() method on // StringBuffer object, passing args[1] as the only // parameter. append() will return an objref to this // StringBuffer object, which will be pushed back // onto the stack. 34 invokevirtual #10 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer append(java.lang.String)> // Pop objref to StringBuffer (pushed by append()), // invoke toString() on it, which returns the value // of the StringBuffer as a String object. Push // objref of String object. 37 invokevirtual #13 <Method java.lang.String toString()> // The string concatenation operation is now complete // Pop objref of concatenated String, objref of // System.out that was pushed by the getstatic // instruction at offset 15. Invoke println() on // System.out, passing the concatenated String as // the only parameter. 40 invokevirtual #12 <Method void println(java.lang.String)> 43 return // Return void from main()
The bytecodes for Example5
's main()
method contain three
implicitly generated String
objects and one implicitly generated
object. References to two of the String
appear as arguments passed to main()
in the args
array, which
are pushed onto the stack by the aaload
instructions at offset 24 and 33. The
is created with the new
instruction at offset 18
and initialized with the invokespecial
instruction at offset 28. The final
, which represents the concatenation of args[0]
, is created by calling toString()
on the
object via the invokevirtual
instruction at
offset 37.
When the Java virtual machine creates a new instance of a class, either implicitly or explicitly, it first allocates memory on the heap to hold the object's instance variables. Memory is allocated for all variables declared in the object's class and in all its superclasses, including instance variables that are hidden. As described in Chapter 5, "The Java Virtual Machine," memory for other implementation-dependent components of an object's image on the heap, such as a pointer to class data in the method area, are also likely allocated at this point. As soon as the virtual machine has set aside the heap memory for a new object, it immediately initializes the instance variables to default initial values. These are the same values shown above in Table 7-1 as default initial values for class variables.
Once the virtual machine has allocated memory for the new object and initialized the instance variables
to default values, it is ready to give the instance variables their proper initial values. The Java virtual machine
uses one of three techniques to do this, depending upon how the object is being created. If the object is
being created because of a clone()
invocation, the virtual machine copies the values
of the instance variables of the object being cloned into the new object. If the object is being deserialized via
a readObject()
invocation on an ObjectInputStream
, the
virtual machine initializes non-transient instance variables of the object from values read from the input
stream. Otherwise, the virtual machine invokes an instance initialization method on the object.
The instance initialization method initializes the object's instance variables to their proper initial values.
The Java compiler generates at least one instance initialization method for every class it compiles. In the
Java class file, the instance initialization method is named "<init>
." For each
constructor in the source code of a class, the Java compiler generates one <init>()
method. If the class declares no constructors explicitly, the compiler generates a default no-arg constructor
that just invokes the superclass's no-arg constructor. As with any other constructor, the compiler creates an
method in the class file that corresponds to this default constructor.
An <init>()
method can contain three kinds of code: an invocation of another
method, code that implements any instance variable initializers, and code
for the body of the constructor. If a constructor begins with an explicit invocation of another constructor in
the same class (a this()
invocation) its corresponding
method will be composed of two parts:
invocation and the class is not
, the <init>()
method will have three components:
invocation and the class is
, the first component in the above list is missing. Because
has no superclass, its <init>()
method's can't begin
with a superclass <init>()
method invocation.
If a constructor begins with an explicit invocation of a superclass constructor ( a
invocation), its <init>()
method will invoke the
corresponding superclass <init>()
method. For example, if a constructor begins with
an explicit invocation of the "super(int, String)
constructor," the
corresponding <init>()
method will begin by invoking the superclass's
"<init>(int, String)
" method. If a constructor does not begin with an explicit
or super()
invocation, the corresponding
method will invoke the superclass's no-arg <init>()
method by default.
Here's an example with three constructors, numbered one through three:
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex6/Example6.java class Example6 { private int width = 3; // Constructor one: // This constructor begins with a this() constructor invocation, // which gets compiled to a same-class <init>() method // invocation. Example6() { this(1); System.out.println("Example6(), width = " + width); } // Constructor two: // This constructor begins with no explicit invocation of another // constructor, so it will get compiled to an <init>() method // that begins with an invocation of the superclass's no-arg // <init>() method. Example6(int width) { this.width = width; System.out.println("Example6(int), width = " + width); } // Constructor three: // This constructor begins with super(), an explicit invocation // of the superclass's no-arg constructor. Its <init>() method // will begin with an invocation of the superclass's no-arg // <init>() method. Example6(String msg) { super(); System.out.println("Example6(String), width = " + width); System.out.println(msg); } public static void main(String[] args) { String msg = "The Agapanthus is also known as Lily of the Nile."; Example6 one = new Example6(); Example6 two = new Example6(2); Example6 three = new Example6(msg); } }
When executed, the Example6
application prints this output:
Example6(int), width = 1 Example6(), width = 1 Example6(int), width = 2 Example6(String), width = 3 The Agapanthus is also known as Lily of the Nile.
The bytecodes for Example6
's no-arg <init>()
(the <init>()
method that corresponds to constructor one) are:
// The first component, the same-class <init>() invocation, begins // here: 0 aload_0 // Push the objref from loc var 0 (this) 1 iconst_1 // Push int constant 1 // Pop int and objref, invoke <init>() method on // objref (this), passing the int (a 1) as the // only parameter. 2 invokespecial #12 <Method Example6(int)> // The second component, the body of the constructor, begins // here: // Push objref from System.out 5 getstatic #16 <Field java.io.PrintStream out> // Allocate mem for new StringBuffer object, and // initialize mem to default initial values, push // objref to new object 8 new #8 <Class java.lang.StringBuffer> 11 dup // Duplicate objref to StringBuffer object // Push objref to String literal from constant pool 12 ldc #1 <String "Example6(), width = "> // Pop objref to literal String, pop objref of the // StringBuffer object, invoke <init>() method on the // StringBuffer object passing the args[0] objref as // the only parameter. 14 invokespecial #14 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer( java.lang.String)> 17 aload_0 // Push objref from loc var 0 (this) // Pop this reference, Push int value of width field 18 getfield #19 <Field int width> // Pop int (width), pop objref (StringBuffer object), // invoke append() on StringBuffer object passing the // width int as the only parameter. append() will add // the string representation of the int to the end of // the buffer, and return an objref to the same // StringBuffer object. 21 invokevirtual #15 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer append(int)> // Pop objref to StringBuffer (pushed by append()), // invoke toString() on it, which returns the value // of the StringBuffer as a String object. Push // objref of String object. 24 invokevirtual #18 <Method java.lang.String toString()> // Pop objref of String, pop objref of System.out // that was pushed by the getstatic instruction at // offset 5. Invoke println() on System.out, // passing the String as the only parameter: // System.out.println("Example6(), width = " // + width); 27 invokevirtual #17 <Method void println(java.lang.String)> 30 return // Return void from <init>()
Note that the <init>()
method for constructor one begins with an invocation of
a same-class <init>()
method, then executes the body of the corresponding
constructor. Because the constructor begins with a this()
invocation, its
corresponding <init>()
method doesn't contain bytecodes for the instance variable
The bytecodes for Example6
's <init>()
method that takes
an int
parameter (the <init>()
method that corresponds to
constructor two) is:
// The first component, the superclass <init>() invocation, begins // here: 0 aload_0 // Push the objref from loc var 0 (this) // Pop objref (this), invoke the superclass's // no-arg<init>() method on objref. 1 invokespecial #11 <Method java.lang.Object()> // The second component, the instance variable initializers, begins // here: 4 aload_0 // Push the objref from loc var 0 (this) 5 iconst_3 // Push int constant 3 // Pop int (3), pop objref (this), store 3 into // width instance variable of this object 6 putfield #19 <Field int width> // The third component, the body of the constructor, begins // here: 9 aload_0 // Push the objref from loc var 0 (this) 10 iload_1 // Push int from loc var 1 (int param width) // Pop int (param width), pop objref (this), store // int param value into width field of this object: // this.width = width 11 putfield #19 <Field int width> // Push objref from System.out 14 getstatic #16 <Field java.io.PrintStream out> // Allocate mem for new StringBuffer object, and // initialize mem to default initial values, push // objref to new object 17 new #8 <Class java.lang.StringBuffer> 20 dup // Duplicate objref to StringBuffer object // Push objref to String literal from constant pool 21 ldc #3 <String "Example6(int), width = "> // Pop objref to literal String, pop objref of the // StringBuffer object, invoke <init>() method on the // StringBuffer object passing the args[0] objref as // the only parameter. 23 invokespecial #14 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer( java.lang.String)> 26 iload_1 // Push int from loc var 1 (int param width) // Pop int (width), pop objref (StringBuffer object), // invoke append() on StringBuffer object passing the // width int as the only parameter. append() will add // the string representation of the int to the end of // the buffer, and return an objref to the same // StringBuffer object. 27 invokevirtual #15 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer append(int)> // Pop objref to StringBuffer (pushed by append()), // invoke toString() on it, which returns the value // of the StringBuffer as a String object. Push // objref of String object. 30 invokevirtual #18 <Method java.lang.String toString()> // Pop objref of String, pop objref of System.out // that was pushed by the getstatic instruction at // offset 14. Invoke println() on System.out, // passing the String as the only parameter: // System.out.println("Example6(int), width = " // + width); 33 invokevirtual #17 <Method void println(java.lang.String)> 36 return // Return void from <init>()
The <init>()
method for constructor two has three components. First it has an
invocation of the superclass's (Object
's) no-arg <init>()
method. The compiler generated this invocation by default, because no explicit
invocation appears as the first statement in the body of constructor two.
Following the superclass <init>()
invocation is the second component: the
bytecodes for width's instance variable initializer. Third, the <init>()
contains the bytecodes for the body of constructor two.
The bytecodes for Example6
's <init>()
method that takes
a String
parameter (the <init>()
method that corresponds to
constructor three) are:
// The first component, the superclass <init>() invocation, begins // here: 0 aload_0 // Push the objref from loc var 0 (this) // Pop objref (this), invoke the superclass's // no-arg<init>() method on objref. 1 invokespecial #11 <Method java.lang.Object()> // The second component, the instance variable initializers, begins // here: 4 aload_0 // Push the objref from loc var 0 (this) 5 iconst_3 // Push int constant 3 // Pop int (3), pop objref (this), store 3 into // width instance variable of this object 6 putfield #19 <Field int width> // The third component, the body of the constructor, begins // here: // Push objref from System.out 9 getstatic #16 <Field java.io.PrintStream out> // Allocate mem for new StringBuffer object, and // initialize mem to default initial values, push // objref to new object 12 new #8 <Class java.lang.StringBuffer> 15 dup // Duplicate objref to StringBuffer object // Push objref to String literal from constant pool 16 ldc #2 <String "Example6(String), width = "> // Pop objref to literal String, pop objref of the // StringBuffer object, invoke <init>() method on the // StringBuffer object passing the args[0] objref as // the only parameter. 18 invokespecial #14 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer( java.lang.String)> 21 aload_0 // Push objref from loc var 0 (this) // Pop this reference, Push int value of width field 22 getfield #19 <Field int width> // Pop int (width), pop objref (StringBuffer object), // invoke append() on StringBuffer object passing the // width int as the only parameter. append() will add // the string representation of the int to the end of // the buffer, and return an objref to the same // StringBuffer object. 25 invokevirtual #15 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer append(int)> // Pop objref to StringBuffer (pushed by append()), // invoke toString() on it, which returns the value // of the StringBuffer as a String object. Push // objref of String object. 28 invokevirtual #18 <Method java.lang.String toString()> // Pop objref of String, pop objref of System.out // that was pushed by the getstatic instruction at // offset 9. Invoke println() on System.out, // passing the String as the only parameter: // System.out.println("Example6(String), width = " // + width); 31 invokevirtual #17 <Method void println(java.lang.String)> // Push objref from System.out 34 getstatic #16 <Field java.io.PrintStream out> 37 aload_1 // Push objref from loc var 1 (param msg) // Pop objref of String, pop objref of System.out // that was pushed by the getstatic instruction at // offset 37. Invoke println() on System.out, // passing the String as the only parameter: // System.out.println(msg); 38 invokevirtual #17 <Method void println(java.lang.String)> 41 return // Return void from <init>()
The <init>()
method for constructor three has the same three components as the
method for constructor two: a superclass <init>()
invocation, the bytecodes for width
's initializer, and the bytecodes for the constructor
body. One difference between constructor two and three is that constructor two does not begin with an
explicit this()
or super()
invocation. As a result, the compiler
places an invocation of the superclass's no-arg <init>()
method in constructor two's
method. By contrast, constructor three begins with an explicit
invocation, which the compiler converts into the corresponding superclass
invocation in constructor three's <init>()
For every class except Object
, an <init>()
method must
begin with an invocation of another <init>()
method belonging either to the same
class or to the direct superclass. <init>()
methods are not allowed to catch
exceptions thrown by the <init>()
method they invoke. If a subclass
method invokes a superclass <init>()
method that
completes abruptly, for example, the subclass <init>()
method must also complete
As mentioned in earlier chapters, implementations of the Java virtual machine must have some kind of automatic storage management strategy for the heap, most likely a garbage collector. Applications can allocate memory for objects via the explicit and implicit ways described earlier in this chapter, but cannot explicitly free that memory. When an object becomes unreferenced by the application, the virtual machine may reclaim (garbage collect) that memory. Implementations can decide when to garbage collect unreferenced objects--even whether to garbage collect them at all. Java virtual machine implementations are not required to free memory occupied by unreferenced objects.
If a class declares a method named finalize()
that returns
, the garbage collector will execute that method (called a "finalizer") once on an
instance of that class, before it frees the memory space occupied by that instance. Here's an example of a
class that declares a finalizer:
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex7/Finale.java class Finale { protected void finalize() { System.out.println("A Finale object was finalized."); //... } //... }
Because a finalizer is a regular Java method, it may be invoked directly by the application. Such a direct invocation will not affect the automatic invocation of the finalizer by the garbage collector. The garbage collector may invoke an object's finalizer at most once, sometime after the object becomes unreferenced and before the memory it occupies is reused. If the object becomes referenced again (resurrected) as a result of executing the finalizer code, and then becomes unreferenced again later, the garbage collector must not automatically invoke the finalizer a second time.
Any exceptions thrown by the finalize()
method during its automatic
invocation by the garbage collector are ignored. The garbage collector may invoke
methods in any order, using any thread, or even concurrently via
multiple threads. Finalization is described in more detail in Chapter 9, "Garbage Collection."
In many ways, the lifetime of a class in the Java virtual machine is similar to the lifetime of an object. The virtual machine creates and initializes objects, allows the program to use the objects, and optionally garbage collects the objects after they are no longer referenced by the program. Similarly, the virtual machine loads, links, and initializes classes, allows the program to use the classes, and optionally unloads the classes after they are no longer referenced by the program.
Garbage collection and unloading of classes is important in the Java virtual machine because Java programs can be dynamically extended at runtime by loading types through user-defined class loaders. All loaded types occupy memory space in the method area. If a Java application continuously loads types through user-defined class loaders, the memory footprint of the method area will continuously grow. If some of the dynamically loaded types are needed only temporarily, the memory space occupied by those types can be freed by unloading the types after they are no longer needed.
The way in which a Java virtual machine can tell whether a dynamically loaded type is still needed by the application is similar to the way it tells whether an object is still needed by the program. If the application has no references to the type, then the type can't affect the future course of computation. The type is unreachable and can be garbage collected.
Types loaded through the bootstrap class loader will always be reachable and never be unloaded. Only
types loaded through user-defined class loaders can become unreachable and be unloaded by the virtual
machine. A type is unreachable if its Class
instance is found to be unreachable through
the normal process of garbage collecting the heap.
There are two ways a Class
instance of a dynamically loaded type can be
reachable through the normal process of garbage collection. First and most obviously, a
instance will be reachable if the application holds an explicit reference to it.
Second, a Class
instance will be reachable if there is a reachable object on the heap
whose type data in the method area refers to the Class
instance. As mentioned in
Chapter 5, "The Java Virtual Machine," implementations must be able to locate the type data in the method
area for an object's class, given only a reference to the object. For this reason, the image of an object on the
heap likely includes some kind of pointer to its type data in the method area. From the type data, the virtual
machine must be able to locate the Class
instances for the object's class, all its
superclasses, and all its superinterfaces. See Figure 7-2 for a graphical depiction of this way of "reaching"
instances through a reachable object.
Figure 7-2 shows the paths a garbage collector must traverse from a reachable object of class
through the type data in the method area to find reachable
instances. In this figure, objects on the heap are shown as clear circles; type data
in the method are is shown as gray rectangles. The MyThread
class has the following
// On CD-ROM in file classlife/ex8/MyThread.java class MyThread extends Thread implements Cloneable { }From the reachable
object (shown in the bottom right hand corner of the
figure), the garbage collector follows a pointer to MyThread
's type data, where it
's Class
instance on the
's direct superinterface,
's direct superclass,
From the type data for Cloneable
, the garbage collector finds:
's Class
instance on the
From the type data for Thread
, the garbage collector finds:
's Class
instance on the heap
's direct superinterface,
's direct superclass,
From the type data for Runnable
, the garbage collector finds:
's Class
instance on the
From the type data for Object
, the garbage collector finds:
's Class
instance on the heap
, the garbage
collector is able to "reach" the Class
instances for MyThread
and all its supertypes: Cloneable
, Thread
, and Object
An example of dynamically loaded classes becoming unreachable and available for unloading is given at the end of Chapter 8, "The Linking Model."
The CD-ROM contains the source code examples from this chapter in the
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