"The events of September 11 were a wake-up call to software developers the world over. Of the many large firms that held critical data or even entire data centers in the World Trade Center towers, few had timely offsite backups in place. One firm even did its offsite backup from Tower 1 into Tower 2, reasoning -- like the people who decided to only insure one tower -- that the chance of both towers vanishing was slim in the extreme. Who would have guessed such a thing could ever happen?
Once the shock of the event had passed, the implications for the work we at Pronoic Ltd. had been doing became evident. As I will go on to discuss, we had been very focussed on using Jini to build ultra-high avaliability applications for the insurance industry. Well, Sept. 11 killed the insurance sector, but brought the advantages of self-healing, distributed applications into clear focus," says this OnJava article: