Re: A Framework for Swing
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 7:43 AM
I agree in part with Arthuro, in that I've heard little about existing deployed application frameworks (Eclipse RCP, Spring RCP, NetBeans Platform) when this new JSR has been brought up. A question for Hans would be--while you have commented on the NetBeans Platform as regards this new JSR in the past, I've heard nothing about the other two (they appeared in one slide from your JavaOne talk). How are they influencing your design, discussion, approaches? What have you learned from them and what have you rejected?
My main concern is whether this will be yet another JSR without any public review of ongoing discussion, where the expert committee emerges from seclusion at some date and drops a specification on the front porch, then disappears. This behavior is typical of all the JSRs I've seen and I find the whole "community" marketing angle a little cynical. These are JSRs developed by "experts" for the rest of us. I don't count myself as an expert in any arena, but I'd much prefer an open discussion board/mailing list where at least we could follow the progress of the development. Politicians got used to sunshine laws, there's no reason programmers can't as well.
And yes, I know there is now a JSR to "reform" the JCP. Of course, who knows when that will bear fruit or what fruit it will bear.
I'd rather see this JSR developed under an open-source umbrella project as with SwingLabs. The SwingX project community is generally both open and hard-nosed about design, and the end result is generally better because of it.
That said, I like what Hans has to say and am glad he's leading it. I like how he presents his ideas and how he shares opinions when he does blog or comment on something.
Regards Patrick