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The World's first 3D BlogReader by Holger Ferstl

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Damir Tomicic

Posts: 2504
Nickname: damir
Registered: Apr, 2004

Damir Tomicic is Microsoft Regional Director for Germany and INETA Lead
The World's first 3D BlogReader by Holger Ferstl Posted: May 13, 2004 7:56 AM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz by Damir Tomicic.
Original Post: The World's first 3D BlogReader by Holger Ferstl
Feed Title: Damir Tomicic : community powered
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Feed Description: stuff about .NET, community and life - in several languages.
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I was always wondering how to get deeper sight into Scoble's postings, to zoom into his words. .. Perhaps to see his postings in other way? ... Holger Ferstl wrote the first 3D Blog Reader (it's in german) using .NET and Direct X. Pan, Zoom and change your point of view while reading Blogs. Gotcha Scoble! :-)


Read: The World's first 3D BlogReader by Holger Ferstl

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