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NHIN, GlassFish ESB, Open Source, and Federal Technology Procurement Protocols

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NHIN, GlassFish ESB, Open Source, and Federal Technology Procurement Protocols Posted: Oct 27, 2009 6:30 AM
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Back in April, I reported on the National Health Information Network's (NHIN) application of OpenESB as a component of its new software infrastructure. In his Aquarium post yesterday, peligri provided an update on the progress that's being made.

Sun's Bill Vass posted Sun's Open Source Curing Health Care Woes the day after Barack Obama was inaugurated, noting:

The key to any eHealth reform program (no matter the price tag) is to facilitate information sharing across multiple agencies and to eliminate the information silos that exist today, allow the government to reduce costs and errors and to better serve our veterans, senior citizens and disabled.

Figure 1. HIEOS architecture diagram

peligri writes that

Within the HHS, the ONC is the main entity that coordinates these efforts and it just has [chosen] Health Information Exchange Open Source (HIEOS) as a key portion of NHIN Connect. And, HIEOS - developed by Vangent - is using several of our OpenSource components - see Architectural Diagram - including OpenESB and GlassFish, and MySQL.

Can open source save the government money?

peligri added a late note pointing us to Tim O'Reilly's Thoughts on the switch to Drupal. is now running on Drupal, on a Red Hat Linux platform, along with Apache and MySQL. While Tim considers the embracement of open source software by government as "a big win for open source," he also has some doubts about whether adopting open source will significantly reduce government spending on IT:

Of course, it's easy to imagine that the use of open source software will slash the government's IT budget. After all, this software is freely downloadable. I have a feeling it's quite a bit more complicated than that.

First off, government has a huge number of special requirements (remember the flap over President Obama's blackberry?) Second, don't underestimate the difficulty of doing business in Washington. Procurement is done through a complex ballet understood by few open source companies. Third, a big IT deployment like this requires coordination between many companies, each providing a piece of the puzzle.

Still, there's nothing quite like integration into systems in the Federal Government to secure an open source project's future. The Federal Government is the biggest customer/user an open source project can find.

Technology procurement protocols: changes coming soon?

Having worked in a government contracting environment for decades (I'm among those who actually have seen the "procurement ballet" up close), I do see some possible issues that may soon arise. Take, for example, GlassFish ESB. This is an open source project, but it receives a lot of support from Sun. A big part of procurement rules is avoiding conflicts of interest, or the appearance of conflicts of interest. For example, I, as a contractor, cannot buy lunch for the government person who contracts with me to do some work.

Consider requests from the government for enhancements to an open source project that receives significant support from a corporation. Now, consider also that corporation bidding for a different contract (for example, to provide servers to a government agency). If the corporation quickly brings the government's requested enhancements to the top of the list, and provides extra development resources to get those changes completed as soon as possible, while at the same time it is bidding for a contract to sell hardware to perhaps the same agency -- isn't that going to give the appearance of a conflict of interest? That could be construed as giving someone in government quite a big free lunch.

So, while it's great that government is beginning to adopt open source software, I think there are some issues, involving the interaction between corporations that support open source projects and also seek to sell servers or other technology to the government, that are going to have to be worked out somewhere down the line. The government's adoption of open source software ultimately necessitates a new set of technology procurement protocols. Until these protocols are in place, open source is open to being perceived by some as a tool that corporations can use to game the government technology procurement process.

In Java Today, peligri reports on NHIN Connect Using GlassFish and OpenESB:

The importance of information exchange in Health Care will continue to grow and the Federal Goverment has several projects to improve it, while also trying to reduce costs. And, as Bill wrote earlier in the year, Sun's Open Source has been actively engaged in this. Added - Just noticed Tim O'Reilly's note on WhiteHouse.GOV's stack. They use MySQL, Drupal and Apache...

Geertjan Wielenga interviews Peter Rogge in Interview: Help for Multilingual NetBeans Platform Applications:

Peter Rogge ... from Germany is yet another developer of NetBeans Platform applications. He's particularly interested in finding generalized solutions for the challenges faced by developers of multilingual applications. Below you find out about him and the projects he's working on around multilingual support for NetBeans Platform applications...

The mediastreamsplayer project has released Media Streams Player 1.0.0 Beta for Windows Installer:

Aalhaamdulillah! The very first Beta version of Media Streams Player is released! You can use the very first Beta version of Media Streams Player for Windows just Downloading & Installing the following Executable: Media Streams Player 1.0.0 Beta for Windows Installer. This Beta version of Media Streams Player is a stable one. I hope End Users of this software will enjoy this version of Media Streams Player. It is notified that there will be no Linux & Solaris version of this Beta released. Insha Allah users of Linux & Solaris will be able to use the software from the very first Basic version which will come soon. So stay tuned!

In today's Weblogs, Henry Story invites people to Come to the Free Social Web Camp in Santa Clara on Nov 2nd!:

The W3C Social Web Incubator Group is organizing a free Bar Camp in the Santa Clara Sun Campus on November 2nd to foster a wide ranging discussion on the issues required to build the global Social Web. Imagine a world where everybody could participate easily in a distributed yet secure Social Web. In such a world every one will be able to control their own information, and every business would be able to enter into a conversation with customers, researchers, government agencies and partners as easily as they can now start a conversation with someone on Facebook. What is needed to go in the direction of The Internet of Subjects Manifesto? What existing technologies can we build on? What is missing? ...

Fabrizio Giudici talks about Getting rid of MVC:

A few days ago I started a series of post about one of the idioms I'm using with my NetBeans Platform projects, which is the "Pluggable TopComponent". It is the result of a few months of design exercises started with MVC. As I mentioned in my first post, in the meantime some interesting stuff has been published about DCI, a pattern that sports better properties than MVC, in particular a post by Yarda Tulach specifically focused on NetBeans Platform and DCI. At the moment of writing my first posts of the series, I had the feeling that I was using a sort-of DCI, but I wasn't sure. Thankfully, Antonio Vieiro posted another insight of DCI and the Platform, which confirmed by impression...

Eloi Jr. talks about the DateField for LWUIT that he's using in the Tranquiera project:

Yes, there is a DateField component for LWUIT and it is ready for use! It is localized too! It was created by Marlon Luz from IndT, Manaus, Brazil, and the Tranqueira Project is using it. With this DateField it is very easy to configure date formats and check for a valid day, month and year and fix these values, if there is something wrong with them. Because I guess it is not interesting to show the input mode ("123") for this component, I decided to unable this resource on Tranqueira Project. DateField is using a great characteristics of LWUIT: its similarity with Swing...

In the Forums, ran666 has a discovery problem: "Hello, I am running on the same machine(WinXP) two peers: DiscoveryServer and DiscoveryClient from "JXSE Programmers Guide 2.5 Tutorial Code". JXTA starts. But peers can't discover each other. I receive in a console ..."

kleopatra asks about Beansbinding: binding to radio/button/group anybody?: "might overlook something - but seems to be missing ... anybody has such a beast on-hold and like to contribute? Need it in the demos and too lazy to do it myself (plus I faintly remember there were issues last time I tried, half-heartedly)..."

elzahr is having problems with Signing message with certificate: JCE, IAIK or similar in IBM SDK 5.0: "So, I'm in a very difficult problem. Using Java: I've an enterprise certificate (in .p12 format) altogether with its public key ("password" string). Also I've a text message which I've to sign in PKCS7 format. I've been reading a..."

Our current Spotlight is NetBeans IDE 6.8 Beta Available for Download!: The NetBeans team is pleased to announce the availability of NetBeans IDE 6.8 Beta. NetBeans IDE 6.8 Beta is the first IDE to offer support for the entire Java EE 6 spec. Highlights include support for JSF 2.0/Facelets, Java Persistence 2.0, EJB 3.1 including using EJBs in web applications, RESTful web services, and GlassFish v3. The IDE's integration with Project Kenai, a collaborative environment for hosting open-source projects, now offers full support for JIRA and improved instant messenger and issue tracker integration. PHP support has been extended to include the Symfony framework and PHP 5.3. The release also supports the JavaFX SDK 1.2.1 ...

The current Poll asks Do you plan to use the new IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition? The poll will run through Thursday.

Our current "(Not So) Stupid Questions" topic for discussion is Does Java Speak for Itself? It was suggested at Oracle OpenWorld that Java indeed does speak for itself. But, what does that statement mean? Does it have any truth? Register your view by posting a comment.

Our Feature Articles include my recent Interview: André van Kouwen and the GMVC Project, and Manish K. Maheshwari's Sweeping the File System with NIO-2, which describes how JSR 203 (NIO-2), which is being implemented in the OpenJDK project, is shaping the future of I/O in the upcoming JDK 7.

The latest Java Mobility Podcast is Java Mobile Podcast 90: Augmented Reality: Excerpts from the JavaOne 2009 Augmented Reality session with Kenneth Andersson and Erik Hellman of Sony Ericsson.

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-- Kevin Farnham
O'Reilly Media

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