The Artima Developer Community

Artima Developer Demographic Survey
Survey Taken May and June, 2005

This page contains the results of a demographic survey of Artima Developer users that ran in late May and early June, 2005. You may also view results from a 2003 survey. Note that due to rounding, column totals may not add to exactly 100%.

On what categories of software have you worked in the past 12 months? (517 responses)

Desktop 58%
Enterprise 75%
Scientific 17%
Cell phones, PDAs, and other handhelds 11%
Games 6%
Other Embedded software 11%
None of the above 3%

How many people are employed by your organization? (514 responses)

5000+ 19%
1000 to 4999 11%
500 to 999 3%
200 to 499 8%
50 to 199 15%
49 or fewer 41%

What job titles have you had during the past 12 months? (517 responses)

Executive C-Level (CEO, COO, etc.) 3%
Technical C-Level (CTO, VP of Engineering, etc.) 5%
IT Director (Director of Engineering, etc.) 7%
IT Manager 7%
Software Quality Assurance Manager 1%
Software Project Manager 15%
Sr. Level Architect 30%
Developer 71%
Software Quality Engineer (Software Tester, etc...) 5%
Database Analyst 4%
System Administrator 5%
Operations Engineer 0%
Field Service Engineer 0%
Consultant 24%
Not employed 2%
Student 6%
None of the above 2%

In what industries have you worked in the past 12 months? (515 responses)

Aerospace & Defense 4%
Automotive 2%
Diversified & Conglomerate 0%
Education 12%
Energy, Chemical, & Utilities 3%
Financial Services - Banking & Securities 13%
Financial Services - Insurance 6%
Financial Services - Other 4%
Government - Federal 7%
Government - State, Local, & Other 6%
Health Care & Medical 7%
High Tech - Hardware & Equipment 5%
High Tech - Software & Services 37%
High Tech - Other 1%
Hospitality, Travel, & Tourism 1%
Manufacturing 2%
Media, Advertising, & PR 6%
Pharmaceuticals & Biotech 3%
Professional Services - Accounting 0%
Professional Services - Consulting 8%
Professional Services - Legal 0%
Retail 2%
Telecommunications 13%
Transportation & Distribution 6%
None of the above 7%

What are your organization's annual revenues in US dollars? (510 responses)

More than $1 billion 15%
$500 million to $1 billion 4%
$100 million to $500 million 5%
$100 million or less 37%
I don't know 36%

Which of the following user interface tools and APIs have you used in the past 12 months? (513 responses)

AWT 15%
Swing 36%
SWT 10%
JSP 41%
Java Server Faces 7%
Struts 26%
WebWork 2%
Velocity 8%
ASP 8%
WinForms 11%
PHP 14%
None of the above 24%

Which of the following IDEs have you worked with in the past 12 months? (515 responses)

Borland JBuilder 5%
Eclipse 55%
IntelliJ IDEA 16%
NetBeans 15%
Microsoft Visual Studio 33%
Borland C++Builder Studio 1%
Emacs 23%
vi 40%
None of the above 4%

What languages have you used in the past 12 months? (517 responses)

Ada 0%
C 31%
C++ 40%
C# 21%
Cobol 1%
Delphi 2%
Eiffel 1%
Groovy 5%
Java 72%
JavaScript 44%
Perl 25%
PHP 17%
Prolog 2%
Python 37%
Ruby 19%
Smalltalk 4%
SQL 47%
Visual Basic 15%
None of the above 0%

What other developer websites do you visit frequently? (509 responses)

JavaWorld 29%
O'Reilly Network 50% 42%
DevX 13%
IBM Developer Works 40%
Oracle Technology Network 10%
BEA Dev2Dev 4% 42% 27%
Javalobby 15%
JGuru 8%
Slashdot 45%
The Code Project 17%
CM Crossroads 2% 4%
JavaRanch 9%
MSDN 23%
Cafe au Lait 12%
None of the above 4%

Which of the following technologies have you worked with in the past 12 months? (511 responses)

.NET 23%
J2ME 6%
J2SE 65%
J2EE 65%
XML 77%
Databases 77%
Jini 5%
Servlets 45%
EJBs 20%
Hibernate 24%
JMS 15%
Web services 33%
None of the above 5%

How are you involved in your organization's purchase decisions for computer equipment and software? (514 responses)

Determine the need for a product or service 50%
Examine product specs 48%
Recommend or select the product or service 59%
Recommend or select the vendor or brand 38%
Authorize or approve the purchase 13%
I am involved in other ways 14%
I am not involved in purchase decisions 20%

Are you subscribed to the Artima Newsletter? (511 responses)

Yes 73%
No 23%
I'm not sure 2%

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